Complaint & Grievances

If you have a concern and aren’t quite sure how to address it, you have come to the right place.

Moorpark College has a “students first” mission in all facets of the student experience. Our goal is to provide wrap-around support. This webpage is designed as a guide for issues students experience that may require additional help.

Complaint and Grievance Procedures

Students are protected against capricious, arbitrary, unreasonable, unlawful, false, malicious, or professionally inappropriate evaluations or behavior by a faculty member, a staff member, an administrator or an official of the College or another student. Student complaints may be classified as grievances and fall into one of three categories: Academic, Non-Academic, and Discrimination.

It is our charge to provide a prompt and equitable means of resolving student grievances. These procedures shall be available to any student who reasonably believes a Moorpark College institutional decision or action has adversely affected his or her status, rights, or privileges as a student.

Here's How

The forms and procedures for academic and non-academic grievances are listed below and may be submitted to the front desk of the Division Office of Student Learning located Applied Arts Building, Room AA-101. If you have any question you may email or call (805) 553-4121