Is the Nutrition and Dietetics program for me?
The Moorpark College Nutrition Science program is designed to meet the needs of all health-conscious people. The program particularly addresses itself to those interested in promoting personal wellness well as those aspiring to careers in health, nutrition, and fitness. For some, this program may lead to entry into the nutrition/dietetics program at a four-year college or university.
What is an Associate for Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (AS-T)?
If you want to transfer to a California State University (CSU), then pursuing an Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) in Nutrition and Dietetics can help. On top of the benefit of earning an Associate Degree, you will also have the necessary preparation to transfer to the CSU system. Once you successfully complete your AS-T, you are guaranteed admission to a CSU.
Can I choose which CSU I want for guaranteed admission?
The campus you will be admitted to depends on several factors, such as the location of your community college, the program of study that you intend to follow, and your competitiveness for admission.
What careers can a Nutrition and Dietetics major pursue?
Often nutritionists and dieticians work in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities, but there are a growing number who are starting private practices which allow for more attentive and individualized client visits. Some job titles include Registered Dietitian, Food Safety Auditor, Clinical Nutritionist, Exercise Physiologist, Food Product Development Scientist, and Dietetic Technician.
What types of courses are needed for Nutrition and Dietetics majors?
Lower division courses within this field concentrate on nutrition science, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, organic chemistry, plus a variety of supporting coursework in related disciplines. Upper division coursework at the university level will focus on medical nutrition therapy, community nutrition, food science, food production, and management of food service operations.
How can I best prepare for the Nutrition and Dietetics AS-T?
Start by taking NTS M01 (Into to Nutrition Science), as it examines scientific concepts of nutrition related to the function of nutrients within the human body and current health issues. This class is a core requirement for the AS-T in Nutrition and Dietetics and will help determine if this major is right for you.
Can I work in the Nutrition/Dietetics field before I have a degree?
Dieticians need to be licensed or certified, as they can do such things as design meal plans and diagnose eating disorders. Nutritionists do not always need to be licensed and can support Dieticians, as well as teach clients about the healthy properties of food and how food affects us.
Do I need to be “fit” or a "good cook" to be a Nutrition and Dietetics major?
Absolutely not! A love for food, an interest in science, and a desire to help people is a great place to start.
I am an undocumented student and I do not have a social security number. Can I apply?
Yes! Once you have been accepted to Moorpark College and cleared for registration you can begin taking courses towards your AA-T Kinesiology. If you are seeking advanced degrees, certifications, and/or licensures then there will be some limitations without a Social Security Number. Be sure to meet with an academic counselor to discuss your options.
I am an international student and do not have a Social Security number. Can I take these classes?
Yes. Same as above.