Earn a Degree or Certificate Without Purchasing One Textbook
Find a ZTC Course
Beyond the full ZTC pathways listed above, there are many ZTC courses available on our campus. ZTC courses are easy to identify in the Schedule of Classes. Just look for the ZTC symbol to the right of the course selection. It is a textbook icon with a slashed dollar sign.
To search for a class without any textbook fees, open the Schedule of Classes and select “Advanced Search.”
On the Advanced Search page, select "Yes" next to the "ZTC: Zero Textbook Cost Courses" category and select "Search." This search can be narrowed if you also select the subject area and the Moorpark College location.
Once enrolled, your course instructor will provide information on how to access your online textbook. Printed versions of the material may also be offered for a nominal fee. With your textbook costs covered, you can be ready on the first day of class and focus on your coursework, not your budget.