General Assembly Meeting, Wednesday November 4, 2020, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Please join us as we discuss who we are, what we do, and how it is our belief that everyone on our campus should be a Teaching Women Men of Color Advocate. If you have been looking for allies at Moorpark to support, you in your effort to truly put the “Student First Philosophy “in action please join us.
Please contact Perry Martin Jr.( or Felix Masci ( for more information.
The mission of Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) is to promote a teaching and learning environment that celebrates cultural diversity and effects social justice, empowering our students to engage and learn in meaningful and positively transformative ways. TWMOCAs will advocate for our students of color and do what is necessary to institutionalize anti-racist practices at Moorpark College.
TWMOCAs (Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates) is dedicated to closing the equity gap for students of color and building a permanent culture of equality and inclusion through eliminating individual and institutional racism at Moorpark College.
In order to become a Moorpark College TWMOCA, you must read, reflect, and agree to actively uphold the following values:
· I believe every student has the ability to learn and succeed.
· I value students of color and respect their perspectives, backgrounds, and contributions to the campus, classroom, and community.
· I understand the achievement gap is not the fault of students of color, but rather, the failure of societal institutions and the educational system in America.
· I recognize women and men of color face relentless bias every day, and it is our job as their educators to dismantle institutional and individual racism and provide the most equitable and supportive learning environment that we can.