Guided Pathways Steering Committee Membership


Guided Pathways Leads

Katie Pena
Director of Guided Pathways
John Loprieno
Guided Pathways Lead, Instructional Faculty 
DeAnna Grove
Guided Pathways Classified, Counseling Services Specialist
Jodi Dickey
Dean of Student Support, Guided Pathways
Tara Pai
ASMC, Director of Constitution and Standing Rules

Arts, Media & Entertainment

Margaret Shearer
Instructional Faculty 
Nick McLouth
Area of Interest Counselor
Nazareth Bautista
Student Support Specialist

Business, Information & Technology

Philip West
Instructional Faculty 
Daniel Aguilar
Area of Interest Counselor
Ann Marie Fudge
Area of Interest Adjunct Counselor
Fidel Gonzalez
Area of Interest Counselor
Rosa Sanchez
Area of Interest Counselor
Trulie Thompson
Area of Interest Counselor
DeAnna Grove
Student Support Specialist
Juan Sanchez
Student Support Specialist
Alicia Valdez
Student Support Specialist

Communications & Languages

Jenna Horn
Instructional Faculty
Ingris Hernandez
Area of Interest Adjunct Counselor
Trulie Thompson
Area of Interest Counselor
Leo Sun
Student Support Specialist

Education & Teaching

Shannon Coulter
Instructional Faculty 
Giselle Ramirez
Area of Interest Counselor
Alicia Valdez
Student Support Specialist


Sunita Humagain
Instructional Faculty
Cristina Garcia
Area of Interest Counselor
Samantha Zaldivar
Area of Interest Counselor
DeAnna Grove
Student Support Specialist

Health & Wellness

Deena Friedlander
Instructional Faculty 
Lydia Basmajian
Nursing and RAD TECH Counselor
Rosa Sanchez
Area of Interest Counselor
Rachel Bennett
Student Support Specialist
Kristen Robinson
Student Support Specialist
Leo Sun
Student Support Specialist
Maral Tavitian
Student Support Specialist

Human Behavior, History & Society

Edith Soto
Instructional Faculty
Marc Chally
Area of Interest Counselor
Kellie Porto-Garcia
Area of Interest Counselor
Gary Garcia
Student Support Specialist

Science & Math

Diana Nguyen
Instructional Faculty 
Samantha Zaldivar
Area of Interest Counselor
Noemi Rodriguez
Student Support Specialist
Alex Yepez
Student Support Specialist