Schedule Appointment In-Person
Fountain Hall
You may schedule a counseling appointment by visiting the center kiosk in Fountain Hall during normal business hours. We schedule appointments one week ahead of time. Please note that during peak periods all of our available appointments can be booked within 30 minutes of our office opening. Please try visiting the center kiosk on a different day or utilize one of the options on the previous page to schedule an appointment.
Pre-requisite Clearance: Appointments are NOT required to clear a pre-requisite. You can visit the drop-in counseling area in Fountain Hall during normal hours above or request clearance online by clicking here.
PLEASE NOTE: Official Transcripts from Other Colleges, CLEP exams, International Baccalaureate (IB), and AP Scores of 3 or higher: If you have attended colleges outside of the Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) please click here for more information.