
Set in New York in the late 1970s, Stephen Sondheim’s “Company” tells the story of five couples and their mutual friend Robert. Robert, turning 35 at the beginning of the show, seems to have everything: good looks, charm, and a great sense of humor. Nevertheless, he is still single. In “Company,” Robert watches and learns from the various couples. He sees both the wonders and pitfalls of relationships. In the end though, Robert realizes that while relationships rarely turn out like they do in fairytales, life is still better when you have someone to share it with. This classic Sondheim musical features many toe-tapping Broadway standards such as; “Here’s to the Ladies Who Lunch,”  “Side by Side by Side” and “Another Hundred People Just Got Off of the Train” to name a few.

Fall 2014



Steven Dietz's adaptation of  the Bram Stoker's classic novel, “Dracula” is a concise and suspenseful spellbinder that pays homage to the malice and seduction of the source material.  The play is presented in a series creepy narratives, many of which are derived from letters and journal entries and an opening introduction from Renfield, Dracula’s rat-eating-human henchman.   As the tale of horror and intrigue unwinds, the audience is taken on a journey of self-discovery as the Lord of the Vampire seduces even the most pure of heart.  In an offering perfect for the Halloween season, “Dracula” promises to be a treat rolled up in a few theatrical tricks and Gothic fog.   Dietz's play embraces the classic, epistolary nature of the novel and this version of “Dracula”  is bound to be a satisfying (albeit old-fashioned) theater experience.




Rehearsal Schedule




"Much Ado About Nothing"
William Shakespeare

In “Much Ado About Nothing,”we present the perfect Shakespearean Romantic-Comedy for a spring evening.  From the beginning to the end of the play, two love stories are intertwined. One story follows the formal, romantic relationship between Hero (a young woman), and Claudio (a young officer): and the other couple, Beatrice (Hero's cousin) and Benedick (another officer).  In classic “Rom-Com” form, Beatrice and Benedick work hard to give the impression that neither is the least bit interested in the other, still smarting over bad experiences in earlier encounters with one another. They tease and insult one another mercilessly and repeatedly deny that they will ever marry anyone, let alone marry one another. However, the audience can tell almost immediately that they don't entirely believe their own disclaimers. Complete with hilarious misunderstandings, interfering fathers, hidden identities and classic plot twists, “Much Ado About Nothing” promises to deliver light-hearted romance for all audiences.


