Recommended Course Advisement
Standardized assessment tests are not used for placement into transfer-level Math and English courses at Moorpark College. These recommendations are a result of the information you have shared about your previous education history. The English, ESL (English as a Second Language), and Math recommended courses are listed as a useful guide to help you on your path to academic success.
English Recommendations
Math Recommendations
Following the state recommended guidelines using multiple measures from your educational history which you shared (high school grades, coursework, and GPA), you are eligible to take any of the following courses. There are four Math pathways for you to choose from: SLAM (Statistics and Liberal Arts Math), Business, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), or Health Sciences. Please consult your Degree Plan (indicating your program goal) and/or discuss the selection of courses with a counselor.
Now that you are aware of the Math and English courses you may enroll in (that are supported by your academic history), you may now register for your classes. If you have any questions, please contact a counselor.