Work hand-in-hand with the International Students Program - ISO,one of many student-run clubs on campus.
The International Student Organization organizes trips, outings, activities on and off-campus.
"The mission of this organization is to help foreign students to adapt to live in the U.S as a student, and
enable them to focus on their studies by overcoming cultural differences and common difficulties. The
ISO shall help foreign students to adapt on campus and in the community by sharing experiences through
meetings, events workshops, and answering common questions about resources in a comfortable, friendly,
and companionable atmosphere. Our international students can expect comprehensive support even
before their first day on campus. That support continues throughout their experience, and as they prepare
to take their next steps." - ISO constitution
You may also join other organizations on campus.
Moorpark College organizations provide students with opportunities to experience personal growth and apply classroom theories, concepts, and principles to real life situations. Participating students gain valuable leadership experience while developing personal and professional relationships.
All student organizations must be recognized by the Associated Students Board of Directors in order to receive the benefits offered by the Associated Students. These benefits include: using the college name in all publicity, using college facilities, and requesting funds from the Associated Students through the Associated Students Programming Committee. The Associated Students provide funding to student organizations through the sale of the Moorpark College student ID cards.
See our current list of Student Organizations