There are Three Ways to Meet with Moorpark College Writing Tutors:
1. Online Tutoring Appointments
To schedule a 40 minute ONLINE via ZOOM Writing Center appointment, please click on this link:
2. Onground Drop-in Tutoring
You can visit the Writing Center during Drop-in hours for 30-45 minute tutoring sessions at LL 3rd floor. No appointment necessary for on-ground tutoring!
Drop in hours:
Monday through Thursday 10-5
3. email tutoring:
you can send your paper to
Services We Offer
- Individual Tutoring
- Email Feedback
- Handouts on Essay Writing and Grammar
- Online Consultation via Net Tutor
- Directed learning activities
Writing and Study Tips
General Information
(805) 553-4850
Faculty Coordinators
Tracy Tennenhouse

Beth Gillis

Moorpark College is committed to providing an equal opportunity to students, employees, and the public, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status, or veteran status. Please call (805) 553-4850 or see the catalog for more details.