Paying for College webpage for payment options and drop information.
Fees may be due at the time of registration. See theEnrollment fees are set by the state, are subject to change without notice and may be retroactive. All other fees are set by Ventura County Community College District Board of Trustees and are subject to change by board action.
Item | FALL/SPRING Semester | SUMMER Session |
Enrollment Fee | $46.00 per unit | |
Non-resident Tuition 1 |
$397.00 per unit |
Non-California Resident Capital Outlay Fee |
$15.00 per unit |
Foreign Student Capital Outlay Fee 2 |
$15.00 per unit |
Health Fee (See Health Fees Section for Exemptions) |
$26.00 flat fee $27 starting FALL 2025 |
$22.00 flat fee |
Materials / Lab Fees | as noted in class schedule | |
Audit Fee: Students enrolled in 10 or more credit units |
No Charge | |
Audit Fee: Students enrolled in fewer than 10 credit units (Auditing students also pay the health fee) |
$15.00 per unit (non-refundable) | |
Credit by Exam | $46.00 per unit (non-refundable) | |
Student Center Fee 4 | $1.00 per unit, not to exceed $10 per academic year |
Student Representation Fee (optional) | $2.00 per semester | |
Student Activity Fee (optional) | $5.00 per semester | |
Parking Permits (optional) | $64.00 | $32.00 |
California Residents
California residents must pay the mandated Enrollment fee of $46.00 per unit. California residents meeting certain criteria may be eligible for a California College Promise Grant *formerly known as Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver Application or other financial aid. Contact the Financial Aid Office, (805) 378-1462.
Non-California Residents
Non-California residents must pay non-resident tuition, plus the enrollment fee, the Non-California Resident Capital Outlay Fee, health fee, student center fee and applicable material fees. You are a nonresident if you have lived in California for less than one year and one day prior to the first day of the semester, or you are unable to present sufficient documentation to prove that you have established California residency. See the college catalog for residency information.
1 Education Code section 68075.6 grants an immediate nonresident tuition fee exemption to eligible Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and refugee students who settled in California upon entering the United States. This exemption is granted for one year from the date the student settled in California upon entering the United States. This exemption applies to the following:
- Iraqi citizens or nationals (and their spouses and children) who were/employed by or on behalf of the United States Government in Iraq (Pub.L. No. 110-181, § 1244)
- Afghan and Iraqi translators (and their spouses and children) who worked directly with the United States Armed Forces (Pub.L. No. 109-163, § 1059)
- Afghanistan nationals who were employed by or on behalf of the U.S. government or in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (Pub.L. No. 111-8, § 602)
- Refugee students admitted to the United States under Section 1157 of Title 8 of the United States Code
International Students
International students must pay enrollment fees, the health fee, nonresident tuition and:
2 A Foreign Student Capital Outlay Fee unless they meet one of the exemptions listed below pursuant to Ed Code §76141:
- Students must demonstrate economic hardship.
- Be a victim of persecution in the country in which the student is a resident.
3 Students are required to pay the fee unless they meet one of the exemptions listed below pursuant to Ed Code §76142:
- Student must demonstrate economic hardship.
- Be a victim of persecution in the country in which the student is a resident.
Health Fees
The health fee provides you with a variety of health care services. In accordance with Board policy, students are required to pay a health fee, regardless of the units taken, unless they meet one of the exemptions listed below pursuant to Ed Code §76355:
- Any student who depends exclusively on prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bonafide religious sect, denomination, or organization. Documentary evidence of such an affiliation is required.
- Student attending college under an apprenticeship training program.
Student Center Fee
4 Students of Moorpark College voted to enact a student center fee of $1.00 per unit up to a maximum of $10.00 per student per fiscal year for the purpose of financing, constructing, expanding, remodeling, refurbishing and operating a Student Center. The fee shall not apply to:
- students enrolled in non-credit courses
- students who are recipients of benefits under Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program
- students on the Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program (SSI/SSP)
- students on a General Assistance Program
Student Representation Fee (optional)
The student representation fee, of $2 per semester, provides support for students or representatives, including Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC), who share positions and viewpoints before city, county, and district governments, and before offices and agencies of the state and federal governments. This fee may be waived during registration
Student Activities Fee (optional)
$5 per term - collected at the time of registration. This fee provides support to student life activities, events, and programs sponsored by campus student organizations and departments including the Associated Students and the Student Activities department. Authorized by Education Code 70902(b)9, and approved by the VCCCD Board of Trustees April 2015. This fee may be waived.
Parking Permits (optional)
VCCCD Police's Parking Info page. Students who will be parking on campus will need to purchase a virtual parking permit. For the latest information on pricing and how to purchase a permit, visit the
Free Bus Public Transportation is available to all college students in Ventura County thanks to a grant from the Ventura County Transportation Commission. View Bus Schedules Online.
How can I pay my fees?
- Pay online with a credit card using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express
- Pay by check online (ACH)
- Pay in person at the Student Business Office using cash, check, money order, or credit card (check website for hours of operation)
- Set up a monthly payment plan
California College Promise Grant *formerly known as Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver Application
This Fee Waiver permits enrollment fees to be waived for eligible California residents. Moorpark College offers an online Fee Waiver application through CCCApply. If eligible, your Fee Waiver should process within 24 hours; check your financial aid eligibility status on the portal. If you have questions, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018
VA beneficiaries who provide a certificate of eligibility or valid VAF 28-1905 for the current term will not be dropped for nonpayment.
Fees / Obligations / Holds
Students who owe outstanding fees may not register until the fees are paid.
There is a $10 fee for each returned check, credit card, or debit card payment.
Refund Policy
You must drop your classes by the refund drop deadline stated in the calendar to qualify for a credit of tuition and/or fees. After your class(es) have been dropped, application for a refund may be made through the Student Business Office. Credits will NOT be authorized for drops or withdrawals occurring after the deadline date. Enrollment fee refunds are subject, once a semester, to the withholding of a $10.00 administrative fee. To qualify for a refund of parking fees, you must return the original parking permit to the Student Business Office by the deadline.