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About Program

 Welcome to the English Department at Moorpark College 

The English Department offers a variety of courses in writing, literature, and grammar to help you be successful in college, the workplace, and in your personal endeavors.

From basic grammar to advanced studies in Shakespeare, you will find a class to stimulate your mind and improve your skills. Your professors strive to support and challenge you as writers, thinkers, and readers.

Choosing Your First English Course

Before you enroll in your first English course, please complete the English Self-Placement Guide. The Self-Placement Guide will help you make an informed choice about which writing course to take first. While all students have the option of enrolling directly in ENGL M01A (English Composition), you have several choices. You may decide to

  • enroll in ENGL M01A,
  • enroll in a section of M01A linked with a free one-hour/week support course (ENGL M91AS),
  • supplement M01A with regular tutoring at the Writing Center.

The Self-Placement Guide will help you analyze your own writing skills, goals, and study habits so you can choose the course and support services that will lead most directly to your success. You may also wish to speak with a counselor about this choice. Please click onto this link  to speak to a counselor.

You will also find creative outlets through the English Department, such as poetry workshops and readings as well as opportunities to work on the college literary magazine. Our award-winning creative arts journal, The Moorpark Review, and the Student Essay Anthology provide students opportunities to have their work published. 

Students who complete English courses will be able to:    

  • Communicate effectively using appropriate rhetorical strategies;

  • Use critical thinking and creative expression in reading, writing, and oral communication;

  • Access, evaluate, and incorporate information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose;

  • Demonstrate an understanding of genre, concepts, themes, style, and tone in a piece of fiction or nonfiction, appreciate the interaction of content and style, and incorporate insights from criticism into an analysis of the readings; 

  • Relate literature to its historical and cultural context and to their own lives. 

We hope that you find your courses useful and enriching. Please let us know how we can make your experience with our English courses at Moorpark College even better.


Photograph of English Department Faculty
English Department faculty celebrating the end of another successful semester!

Resources for Students

Resources for Faculty

