Is the Kinesiology program for me?
The Moorpark College Kinesiology program is designed to prepare students for transfer to bachelor's degree programs in kinesiology, exercise science, physical education, physical therapy, athletic training, coaching, and prepares students for immediate careers in fitness.
What is an Associate for Arts in Kinesiology (AA-T)?
If you want to transfer to a California State University (CSU), then pursuing an Associate in Art for Transfer in Kinesiology can help. On top of the benefit of earning an Associate Degree, you will also have the necessary preparation to transfer to the CSU system. Once you successfully complete your AA-T in Kinesiology, you are guaranteed admission into a CSU.
Can I choose which CSU I want for guaranteed admission?
The campus you will be admitted to depends on several factors, such as the location of your community college, the program of study that you intend to follow, and your competitiveness for admission.
What careers can a Kinesiology major pursue?
If you are interested in any of the following fields, consider majoring in Kinesiology: Sports Medicine, Athletic Training, Strength and Conditioning, Physical Education Teacher, Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Sports Coach, Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor just to name a few!
What types of courses are needed for Kinesiology majors?
Kinesiology is a multidisciplinary major. You will take classes in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, health, and a variety of general education courses required to transfer and complete your bachelor's degree.
How can I best prepare for successfully completing a Kinesiology degree when I transfer?
Meet with an academic counselor at least once a term to ensure you are taking correct classes for AA-T completion and required transfer classes. You should also consider taking the group of courses within the Exercise Science program. Each of these classes takes a holistic approach to your Kinesiology education. You will get comprehensive experience with exercise physiology, integrated anatomy, program design, and how to sell yourself.
Can I work in the Kinesiology field before I have a degree?
Yes! You can complete any of our exercise science courses (KIN M16, KIN M17, KIN M18) and become certified to begin working right away. Fitness employers are constantly looking for certified fitness trainers and group instructors.
Do I need to be an athlete or “fit” to be a Kinesiology major?
Not at all! A love for evidence-based movement principles and a desire to help people is a great place to start.
I am an undocumented student and I do not have a social security number. Can I apply?
Yes! Once you have been accepted to Moorpark College and cleared for registration you can begin taking courses towards your AA-T Kinesiology. If you are seeking advanced degrees, certifications, and/or licensures then there will be some limitations without a Social Security Number. Be sure to meet with an academic counselor to discuss your options.
I am an international student and do not have a Social Security number. Can I take these classes?
Yes. Same as above.