Frequently Asked Questions


  • How is my GI Bill® affected? 
    • If you've used your GI Bill® previously, the process will be much the same - all Moorpark services have been moved online, so the meeting with a counselor to make an education plan will be conducted over Zoom or over the phone.  
  • Will the number of benefits I'm receiving change?
    • The VA's policy for Basic Allowance for Housing during COVID is that classes which were previously intended to be in-person, but were moved online due to the crisis, will count as in-person classes for the purposes of BAH. 
    • Your BAH will be reduced if you are only enrolled in classes which were scheduled to be online before the start of the pandemic.
    • For Spring 2021, your BAH will only be financially impacted if all of the classes you are taking are drawn from this list: 
  • What if I need to drop a class?
    • If you need to drop a class, and if this need is because of COVID, you should request an excused withdrawal.  Opting for an excused withdrawal due to COVID should not create issues.
  • Where can I find more information? 


  • Is it possible for the VA to suspend my benefits?
    • Only if you are on academic probation or fail to make satisfactory academic progress.
  • Can I get BAH for online classes?
    • Under normal conditions, online classes will result in reduced BAH - however, this has changed temporarily due to COVID.  See our COVID FAQ for details.
  • Do I need to renew my benefits each semester? 
    • Yes.  Every semester you intend to use your benefits; you are required to meet with a veteran's counsellor to create an education plan. 
  • How long does it make for my benefits to process?
    • For first time applicants it can take up to 90 days and for students who are transferring benefits here from another institution it can take up to 30 days.
  • How long is the CalVet fee waiver good for? 
    • Your CalVet Fee Waiver award letter is good for the academic year indicated on it. This always starts with a Fall and ends in Summer. You will need to provide a new letter before the start of each Fall term to be awarded for the upcoming year.
  • How many units do I need to be enrolled in to qualify for full BAH?
    • For spring and fall, 12 units.  You must be enrolled in at least 7 units to receive partial benefits.  
  • If I have used all my Montgomery GI Bill®, could I be eligible for the post 9/11 GI Bill®? 
    • If you used all of your months of benefits under MGIB®, you may still be eligible for benefits under the Post 9/11 GI Bill®. If you have qualifying active-duty service after September 10, 2001, and meet all of the eligibility requirements for the post-9/11 GI Bill®. For example, if you used 36 months of benefits under MGIB® and you are eligible for the post-9/11 GI Bill®, you may receive up to 12 months of benefits under the post-9/11 GI Bill®. You cannot receive more than a maximum of 48 months of benefits under any combination of VA education programs.
  • Can I change my schedule for the semester after I've created an education plan at the Veteran's Resource Center? 
    • Yes, but you must meet with a counsellor again to create a new education plan reflecting the change. 
  • Can I take classes at another school while using my benefits? 
    • Yes - Moorpark will need to provide the other school with a 'Parent School Letter'.  The classes must be applicable to your degree and transferable to Moorpark in order to be covered by benefits.  Contact a counsellor for more details. 
  • What do I do if I'm not getting the right amount of money? 
    • You can contact the Veterans Resource Center to make sure we have transmitted the correct information to the VA. However, if we have and your payment is still incorrect, you will need to contact the VA directly. You can contact them by phone at (888) 442-4551 or by e-mail through the GI Bill® website at and click on "questions and answers" to submit an inquiry.
  • How do schools receive payment for my classes?
    • For most people using the post 9/11 GI Bill®, payments for tuition are made directly to the school.  For students using the Montgomery GI Bill®, payments to cover tuition are made to the student.


‘‘GI Bill®’’ is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)