Designing to Achieve
Moorpark College is committed to Professional Development through a dialogue-rich environment supporting inspiration, motivation, and culture. As an extension to this work we are excited to announce this year's theme, Designing to Achieve: Applying Universal Design to Support IDEAA: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-racism, and Accessibility

There are several opportunities to engage in professional development or to develop a professional development project. Please contact Crystal Salas, Classified Professional Tri-Chair, and Brian Burns, Professional Development Coordinator, if you want to be a part of any future Professional Development projects.
Feb 13, 2025 Professional Development (Flex) Day
Moorpark College
Feb 13 Professional Development (Flex) Day
Please RSVP for meals here
All Moorpark College Faculty and Staff are warmly welcome to join us for our Feb 13 Professional Development (Flex) Day.
Special Note:
Due to predicted rain, the zoo open house activity has been canceled. Meals will be in CC Dining room and session meeting locations have been updated as below.
- 8:30-9:00--Breakfast. CC Dining Room
- 9:00-10:15— “Know Your Rights” Guest Speaker Patrick Martinez. Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) and online. Zoom link
- 10:30-11:45— Tuning Into the Body: Cultivating Resiliency. In-person only. LM 122
- 11:45-1:00—Lunch. CC Dining Room
- 1:00-2:15—Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates. LM 122 and online. Zoon link
- 1:00-2:15—
Bachelor3ProgramUpdates. Session canceled
Detailed Schedule
8:30-9:00--Breakfast. CC Dining Room
Join us in the CC Dining Room for a light breakfast!
9:00-10:15— “Know Your Rights” Guest Speaker Patrick Martinez. Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) and online. Zoom link
Please join guest speaker Patrick Martinez for talk entitled “Know Your Rights.” During the presentation we will cover what rights individuals in the United States have in interactions with law/immigration enforcement regardless of their immigration status. We will also consider how policy changes impact immigration enforcement currently, then we will review how to exercise rights in context.
Speaker information: Patrick Martinez is an attorney with the UFW Foundation. The UFW Foundation is a nonprofit that provides immigration legal services to the community. Currently, the UFW Foundation provides free immigration legal services to students, staff, and faculty at Moorpark College.
Audience: All Faculty and Staff
Facilitator: Patrick Martinez
10:30-11:45— Tuning into the Body: Cultivating Resiliency. In-person only. LM 122
Please join us for a skill-building workshop from Associate Dean Tamarra Coleman
This session will introduce you to a model—Community Resiliency Model—for developing resiliency and bouncing back after difficult or stressful experiences and even trauma. The session will be interactive and will teach you the skills to help you tune into your body and bring your nervous system back to the “Ok Zone” or center in times of stress. This is especially important during this time in our community and our country when people are trying manage difficult experiences on a local and national level—from natural disasters to deep political divide. I invite you to join me in community to help us all just feel better.
Facilitator information: Tamarra Coleman- I am certified through the Trauma Resource Institute. The Trauma Resource Institute (TRI) is a nonprofit organization devoted to cultivating trauma-informed and resiliency-focused individuals and communities throughout the world. TRI is known internationally for its innovative perspectives promoting individual and community well-being. Two types of training have been developed, the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)® and the Community Resiliency Model (CRM)®. Both models are biologically based and teach wellness skills, cultivating well-being in mind, body, and spirit. While TRM is oriented toward mental health professionals, CRM takes on a public health focus and has been taught to professionals and natural leaders of communities.
Audience- All are encouraged to attend. Faculty, staff and administrators who attended the “Facilitation Training” are especially encouraged to attend.
11:45-1:00—Lunch. CC Dining Room
Please join us for lunch starting at 11:45!
1:00-2:15—Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates. Campus LM 122 and online. Zoon link
Please join us for a meeting of our Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates group. All current members and any faculty or staff interested in joining are welcome.
Facilitators: TWMOCAs core membership
Audience: All faculty and staff
1:00-2:15—Bachelor Degree Program Updates. Session canceled
October 10 and 11, 2024 Flex Schedule
October 10 and 11, 2024 Flex Days Program
October 10
- 8:30-9:00 Breakfast – CC Dining Room
- 9:00-10:15 Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) – Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) and online. Zoom link
- 9:00-11:00 QPR Suicide Prevention and Mental Health – in-person only TB 114
- 10:45-12:00 Teaching Comics with Kim Lewis (OCOB) – Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) and online. Zoom link
- 1
0:45-12:00 California Community Colleges Baccalaureate Program – MC BDP Overview & Updates-- Session canceled - 12:00-1:00 Lunch
- 1:00-2:30 Collegiality in Action visit by the ASCCC and CCLC –Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) watch party and online. Zoom link
- 2:45-4:00 HTML Snippets on Canvas for Beginners – online only. Zoom link
October 11
- 8:30-9:00 Breakfast
- 10:00-12:00 Creating an Inclusive Culture for College Managers –in-person only Campus Center Conference Room
- 12:00-1:00 Lunch
- 1:00-2:15 Engaging Your Students, Finding Your Passion Guest Visit Emily Haraldson Southern California Ambassador -- Faculty Association of California Community Colleges – in-person only. Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR)
Detailed Schedule
October 10
8:30-9:00 Breakfast – CC Dining Room
9:00-10:15 Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) – Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) and online. Zoom link
Please join us as we work in community from across the campus to advocate for and serve our students of color.
Facilitators: TWMOCAs core membership
Audience: All faculty and staff interested in advocating for students of color
9:00-11:00 QPR Suicide Prevention and Mental Health -- in person only TB 114
Please join staff members from our Student Health Center for an important workshop about recognizing the signs and working to intervene and reduce risks of self-harm and suicide among students.
Facilitators: SHC Staff
Audience: All faculty and staff
10:45-12:00 Teaching Comics with Kim Lewis (One Campus One Book) – Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) and online. Zoom link
Please join Professor Kim Lewis as she shares her expertise in teaching and utilizing visual literacy skills as students work with texts that incorporate both text and image. This session will include discussion of our One Campus One Book selection: the graphic memoir They Called Us Enemy, written by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, and Steven Scott, and illustrated by Harmony Becker
Facilitator: Kim Lewis
Audience: Primarily faculty using or interested in using visual literature texts
10:45-12:00 California Community Colleges Baccalaureate Program – MC BDP Overview & Updates session canceled
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:30 Collegiality in Action visit by the ASCCC and CCLC –Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) watch party and online. Zoom link
This is a Participatory Governance workshop designed to help local personnel better understand particular issues and various aspects of effective decision-making processes. These jointly presented workshops are designed under the direction of the President of the Academic Senate and the Executive Director of the Community College League of California, working with local college representatives.
The facilitator for this session will join us via Zoom, so you can join on Zoom or join us for a watch party in the CCCR.
Facilitator: Agnes Lupa, CCLC
Audience: All faculty and staff across campus
2:45-4:00 HTML Snippets on Canvas for Beginners – online only. Zoom link
Do you want to design your Canvas pages as a pro without learning HTML coding? Join us in the hands-on Code Snippet session! You will learn how to design:
- Editable Text Banners
- Floating Images
- Buttons
- Pop-up Dialog Boxes
- iFrames
- Accordions
- Dropdown Menus
- Colorful Lines
- Text Boxes
- Draggable Elements
- Expanding Buttons
Facilitator: Tracie Bosket
Audience: Faculty, Classified Professionals, and Student Workers who make regular use of Canvas
October 11
8:30-9:00 Breakfast
10:00-12:00 Creating an Inclusive Culture for College Managers --in person only Campus Center Conference Room
This is session will provide participants an opportunity to reflect on what inclusivity looks like and feels like, while providing concrete tools for creating an environment that encourages full participation and honors the needs of the communities they lead. This session will touch on the following topics: DEIA, psychological safety and culture of care. Please come prepared to be fully present and to interact.
- Tamarra Coleman, Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Wendy Saunders, Director of Training and Organizational Development
Audience: managers (academic and classified)
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:15 Engaging Your Students, Finding Your Passion. Guest Visit Emily Haraldson Southern California Ambassador for the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges – in person only. Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR)
Please join Professor Emily Haraldson, Southern California Ambassador for the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges for a lively workshop on engaging students while also reigniting our own passion for meaningful and effective teaching.
Facilitator: Emily Haraldson
Audience: Classroom faculty primarily
August 2024 Professional Development Days

Moorpark College Professional Development (Flex)Days Program
August 7, 8, and 9, 2024
Applying Universal Design to Support IDEAA – Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Anti-Racism

Aug. 7 Voluntary Instructional Tech Day (online only)
- 9:00-10:15 Canvas New Tools and Features. Zoom link
10:30-11:45 AI and Education. session canceled- 11:45-12:45 Break
- 12:45-2:00 Accessibility and PDFs. Zoom link
2:15-3:30 Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) and Bots Guidelines. Session canceled
Aug. 8 Self-Assigned Flex Day
- 8:30-9:00
- Breakfast— Campus Center Dining Room
- 9:00-10:15
- 10:30-12:00
- In Community: Enhancing Professional Development –Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) and online. Zoom link.
- 12:00-1:00
- Lunch
- 1:00-2:30
- District-Wide Accessibility Capability Maturity Model (ACMM) Kick Off –Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) watch party and online Zoom Link
- 2:00-3:30
- AFT Know What’s Up: Fall Semester Kickoff – Technology and Business (TB) 114
- 2:30-3:45
- 3:00-5:00
- New Faculty Orientation (NFO) – AD Building. President’s Conference Room (PCR). Note: For new full-time faculty only
- 5:00-7:00
- Adjunct information/hiring tips -- online only. Zoom link
Aug. 9 Convocation
- 7:45-8:30 Breakfast – Outside Performing Arts Center (PA)
- 8:40-12:15 Convocation Programming – Performing Arts Center (PA) Main Stage
- 12:30-1:15 Lunch – Campus Center (CC) Dining Room
- 1:20-3:00 Division/department meetings – See below
Division meeting locations
- Division 121 – Library, Tutorial, & Distance Education – LL 305 (Testing Center)
- Division 122 – Physical Science & Career Education – Admin Lobby
- Division 123 – Arts, Media, Communication Studies – AA 147 (Forum)
- Division 124 – ANCT, TZ, Health and Life Sciences – EATM 208
- Division 126 – Counseling – HM 238
- Division 127 – Math & Athletics – LL 3rd Floor
- Division 128 – English/ESL, & Humanities – LL 322 (Writing Center)
- Division 129 – Business, Social & Behavioral Sciences, CD, & Languages – CCCR (Campus Center Conference Room)
Detailed Program
Aug. 7 Voluntary Instructional Tech Day (online only)
- 9:00-10:15 Canvas new tools/features. Zoom link
Canvas has a variety of new features and tools coming out this year, including new options for more engaging interactions. Please join us for an informative demonstration of features including"
- Assign-to / Module release
- Screencapture/autocaptioning in SpeedGrader
- Inbox: auto-reply, signatures
- Discussion Summaries
- Assignment Enhancements
- Rubric Enhancements
(Note this session will also be held on Aug 8 at 2:30-3:45)
Facilitator: Tracie Bosket
Audience: Faculty who make use of Canvas, whether in-person or online
10:30-11:45 AI and Education. session canceled
11:45-12:45 Break
- 12:45-2:00 Accessibility and PDFs. Zoom link
All faculty and staff who make use of PDF documents are welcome to participate in this session to learn about ensuring your PDF documents are ADA accessible so we can meet both our legal requirements and align with our mission of making our learning community accessible to everyone.
Facilitator: Shirly Ruiz
Audience: All faculty and staff who send PDF documents
2:15-3:30 Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) and Bots Guidelines. session canceled
August 8 Self-Assigned Flex Day
- 8:30-9:00 Breakfast— Campus Center Dining Room
- 9:00-10:15 Program Planning – Online only. Zoom Link
Please join us for an important conversation and demonstration of the Program Planning process for this academic year.
Audience: Any faculty or classified professional involved in program planning, or those who wish to learn more about it.
Facilitators: Oleg Bespalov, Shawn Kern, Kristy Malek, Kim Watters
- 9:00-10:15 TWMOCAs (Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates)— Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) and online. Zoom link.
Please join the core members of the Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates for an important conversation about serving our students of color as we work towards enhancing success and achievement across the campus. All faculty and classified professionals are welcome, especially those who would like to learn more about this group.
Facilitators: TWMOCAs Core Membership
Audience: All faculty and classified professionals
- 10:30-12:00 In Community: Enhancing Professional Development –Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) and online. Zoom link.
What is a community of practice? How are they beneficial? How are we using them at MC? What are the DEIA implications? In this session, we will discuss the ways in which professional development can be enhanced by creating intentional communities of practice. We will also discuss what those communities might look like and the expectations for faculty and staff participating in conferences and PD stipend opportunities.
Facilitator: Tamarra Coleman
Audience: Faculty and Classified Professionals
- 12:00-1:00 Lunch –Campus Center Dining Room
- 1:00-2:30 District-Wide Accessibility Capability Maturity Model (ACMM) Kick Off –Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) watch party and online Zoom Link
Please join us for an important district-wide presentation regarding first steps of the Accessibility and Capability Maturity Model project at the Ventura County Community College District.
The California Community Colleges Accessibility Center is proud to introduce the Accessibility Capability Maturity Model (ACMM), which takes the broad concept of accessibility and breaks it down into achievable goals and milestones so colleges and districts can drive accessibility forward. The ACMM mitigates risk through iterative improvement and proactively addresses Office of Civil Rights (OCR) settlement requirements in a manageable timeline based on campus resources. The ACMM also aligns with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility efforts outlined in the CCC Vision 2030.
For more information, please visit the California Community College Accessibility Center website.
*Note the presentation will be held online, but we will set up the CCCR for a watch party if you prefer to watch the presentation there.
Audience: All faculty, classified professionals, and managers
- 2:00-3:30 AFT Know What’s Up: Fall Semester Kickoff – Technology and Business (TB) 114
Join us at the start of the fall semester for “AFT Know What’s Up,” a professional development session hosted by AFT. Stay informed with the latest news on negotiations, upcoming events, essential housekeeping reminders, and important updates. Get ahead by knowing what’s coming up and how it impacts you. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay connected and informed!
AFT MEMBERS ONLY. To become a member, visit
Facilitator: AFT Leadership
Audience: AFT Members
- 2:30-3:45 Canvas New Tools/Features – online only. Zoom link
Canvas has a variety of new features and tools coming out this year, including new options for more engaging interactions. Please join us for an informative demonstration of features including"
- Assign-to / Module release
- Screencapture/autocaptioning in SpeedGrader
- Inbox: auto-reply, signatures
- Discussion Summaries
- Assignment Enhancements
- Rubric Enhancements
(Note this session will cover the same material as discussed on 8/7)
Facilitator: Tracie Bosket
Audience: Faculty who make use of Canvas, whether in-person or online
Facilitator: Tracie Bosket
Audience: Faculty who make regular use of Canvas
- 2:30-3:45 Bachelor Degree Program Information – Online only. Zoom link
Please join us for important updates about our growing Bachelor Degree Program! There is much to discuss, including our first in-coming student cohort!
Facilitator: Mari Estrada-Gonzalez
Audience: All faculty and staff
- 3:00-5:00 New Faculty Orientation (NFO) – Administration (AD) Building. President’s Conference Room (PCR). Note: For new full-time tenure-track faculty only
The incoming cohort of newly hired full-time faculty are invited to a meeting of the New Faculty Orientation. This is an excellent opportunity to start your journey here at Moorpark College.
Audience: Newly hired full-time tenure-track faculty
Facilitator: Jeremy Kaye and Ashley Barbier
- 5:00-7:00 Adjunct Information and Hiring Tips -- online only. Zoom link
All adjunct faculty, especially new adjuncts, are welcome to attend this session. We will discuss some important information for adjunct faculty to know about. And the majority of the session will consist of discussion and tips for applying and interviewing for potential full-time positions.
Facilitators: Rolland Petrello and Brian Burns
Audience: Adjunct Faculty
Aug. 9 Convocation
- 7:45-8:30 Breakfast – Outside Performing Arts Center (PA building)
- 8:40-12:15 Convocation Programming – Performing Arts (PA) Mainstage
- 12:30-1:15 Lunch – Campus Center (CC) Dining Room
- 1:20-3:00 Division/department meetings – see below
Division meeting locations
- Division 121 – Library, Tutorial, & Distance Education – LL 305 (Testing Center)
- Division 122 – Physical Science & Career Education – Admin Lobby
- Division 123 – Arts, Media, Communication Studies – AA 147 (Forum)
- Division 124 – ANCT, TZ, Health and Life Sciences – EATM 208
- Division 126 – Counseling – HM 238
- Division 127 – Math & Athletics – LL 3rd Floor
- Division 128 – English/ESL, & Humanities – LL 322 (Writing Center)
- Division 129 – Business, Social & Behavioral Sciences, CD, & Languages – CCCR (Campus Center Conference Room)
January 10, 2025 PD Day
January 10, 2025 Professional Development (Flex) Day Program
All Moorpark College faculty and staff are warmly invited to participate in our January 10, 2025 Professional Development (Flex) Day!
Schedule Summary
- Breakfast – (note: if campus has power, breakfast in CC Dining Room. If campus has lost power, then breakfast will be served in the AD Building lobby)
- Budget Process Information – Online Zoom link
- Zero Textbook Cost and Open Educational Resources (ZTC/OER) For Beginners – Online Zoom link
- Zero Textbook Cost and Open Educational Resources (ZTC) For Experienced Users – Online Zoom link
- Chrome River Information – Online Zoom link
- Guided Pathways Open Forum – Online Zoom link
- NotebookLM: Use the Power of AI for Quick Summarization and Note Taking – Online Zoom Link
- Lunch – (note if the campus has power, then lunch will served in CC Dining Room. If the campus has lost power, then lunch will be served in the AD building lobby).
- Special Presentation: Textbook Ordering with Follet. Online Teams link: Join the meeting now
- Teaching Men and Women of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) –Online Zoom link
- AI and Academic Honesty – Online Zoom link
- Workshop Invitation: Pro-Active Enrollment Management System (PEMS) – Online Zoom link
- Bachelor Degree Program Updates – Online Zoom link
Detailed Schedule
8:30-9:00 Breakfast—(note: if campus has power, breakfast in CC Dining Room. If campus has lost power, then breakfast will be served in the AD Building lobby)
9:00-10:15 Budget Process Information – Online Zoom link
Please join members of our Fiscal Services Office to learn more about processes involved in budget management.
- Facilitator: Fiscal Services staff
- Audience: Classified professionals, managers, and faculty who work with budgeting
9:00-10:15 Zero Textbook Cost and Open Educational Resources (ZTC/OER) For Beginners – Online Zoom link
New to--or want to learn more about--using Zero Textbook Cost and/or Open Educational Resources? Then this session is for you! Learn about the ways ZTC/OER can offer important tools for serving our students by enhancing equity and success!
- Facilitator: Cindy Sheaks
- Audience: Faculty both in-person and online
9:00-10:15 Zero Textbook Cost and Open Educational Resources (ZTC) For Experienced Users – Online Zoom link
Have you already been implementing Zero Text ook Cost and/or Open Educational Resources in your classes and now are ready for the next steps? Then this session is for you! Join us to learn more about the latest information regarding ZTC/OER including how to help get more colleagues involved to increase the reach and impact of these important programs.
- Facilitator: Trudi Radtke
- Audience: Faculty for both in-person and online classes
10:30-11:45 Chrome River Information – Online Zoom link
Please join members of our Fiscal Services Office for a presentation about using Chrome River to input financial data including travel funds reports and P-cards.
- Facilitator: Fiscal Services staff
- Audience: Classified Professionals and Faculty who use Chrome River
10:30-11:45 Guided Pathways Open Forum – Online Zoom link
You are invited to bring your ideas, insights, and suggestions as we continue to solidify the foundation for Guided Pathways at Moorpark College. Guided Pathways is an institutional commitment, meaning everyone within the campus community plays a vital role.
At this forum, expect to learn more about Guided Pathways at MC, specifically updates for the Spring 2025 term (e.g., instructional faculty stipend opportunities, Areas of Interest teams, branding, and more!).
RSVPs are encouraged & appreciated, but not required. Those who do RSVP are eligible to win a Starbucks gift card!
In the meantime, feel free to view our Guided Pathways newsletter. If you'd like to subscribe to the monthly newsletter, email Katie at
- Facilitator: Katherine Peña
- Audience: All Faculty and Classified Professionals
10:30-11:45 NotebookLM: Use the Power of AI for Quick Summarization and Note Taking -- Online Zoom link
In this session, you will learn how to create a podcast directly from digital textbooks, articles, or papers. Using AI, you can easily format existing text content and transform it into a podcast. With a few clicks, you can offer your students multiple ways to learn the same content! (Keep in mind Universal Design for Learning's "Multiple Means of Representation.") We will also share tips on how faculty can use Notebook LM for lesson preparation, creating study guides, and developing course content.
Optional: Sign up for NotebookLM
- Facilitators: Jenna Horn (Communication Studies Faculty) & Tracie Bosket (Instructional Designer)
- Audience: All Faculty and Classified Professionals
11:45-12:30 Lunch – (note: if campus has power, lunch will be served in CC Dining Room. If campus has lost power, then lunch will be served in the AD Building lobby)
12:30-12:45 Special Presentation: Textbook Ordering with Follett. Online only. Teams link Join the meeting now
Please join representatives from Follett, our vendor for textbook adoptions, for a useful demonstration of the ordering process.
- Facilitator: Amber Moore
- Audience: All Faculty and any Classified Professionals interested in the textbook ordering process
12:45-2:00 Teaching Men and Women of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) –Online Zoom link
Please join us for meeting of the Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates. This is a group of dedicated faculty and classified professionals focused on promoting opportunities and best practices to support our students of color, enhancing equity and success, and servicing social justice.
- Facilitator: TWMOCAs Core Membership
- Audience: All Faculty and Staff
12:45-2:00 AI and Academic Honesty – Online Zoom link
Please join us for an important conversation about challenges and opportunities regarding academic honesty in this era of emerging generative artificial intelligence technology.
- Facilitator: Trudi Radtke and Danielle Kaprelian
- Audience: Primarily Faculty
2:15-3:30 Workshop Invitation: Pro-Active Enrollment Management System (PEMS) – Online. Zoom link
Are you interested in proactively tracking course enrollments for your classes, department, or program and receiving automated email alerts? Would you like to identify enrollment trends in real time to make data-driven decisions that benefit your department and students?
We are excited to invite you to a workshop introducing PEMS (Pro-Active Enrollment Management System), a free and easy-to-use tool designed to help faculty, department chairs, and deans dynamically track course enrollments. With PEMS, you can:
- Monitor enrollments for any course, taught by any faculty, within any department.
- Receive daily email updates with current enrollment data.
- Anticipate when courses are nearing capacity, enabling quicker decisions to open additional sections or adjust modalities.
- Easy Opt In/Out process
- PEMS accesses Online Class Schedule and emails enrollments based on your filtering request
- Eliminates need to check online schedule daily and your history emails can identify enrollment trends.
Why PEMS Matters:
Every semester, courses reach capacity often while faculty are pre-occupied, during school breaks, or when it's too late to respond effectively. For example, last summer, a course filled quickly during the break, but delayed decisions to open an additional section meant missed opportunities for new enrollments. Addressing such scenarios across our Campus with proactive tracking could result in an additional 2-3 course sections, resulting in 30–100 enrollments per campus each term.
This workshop will be facilitated by Ethan Bonavida and Ed Garcia over Zoom and in person and will include a live demo of the PEMS tool. You’ll learn how easy it is to opt in or out of the system and start using this valuable resource immediately.
Who Should Attend? (We are hoping to Record Zoom Session)
- Deans interested in tracking Dept/Program/Course enrollments
- Department Chairs
- Lead Department Faculty
- Faculty teaching newly developed or high-demand courses
- Faculty Teaching new Bachelor Degree Courses
Benefits of Attending:
- Gain insights into enrollment trends and opportunities.
- Increase collaboration between faculty and deans to respond to student needs in real time.
- Boost your department's enrollments by ensuring no course is overlooked.
Join us to discover how PEMS can help you proactively manage enrollments and better serve your students.
- Facilitator: Ethan Bonvida
- Audience: All Faculty and Classified Professionals, but especially deans, department chairs, program leads, and faculty in new and/or high demand courses
2:15-3:30 Bachelor Degree Program Updates – Online Zoom link
Please join us for important updates to our Bachelor Degree Program as we work to provide greater opportunities for success to our students!
- Facilitator: Mari Estrada-Gonzalez
- Audience: All Faculty and Classified Professionals
March 7 Online District Distance Education Summit
Ventura County Community College District Distance Education Summit
March 7, 2024
Caring, Connecting, Community: Building Equitable and Authentic Learning Experiences
Schedule at-a-Glance
8:30-8:40 am – Welcome and Introductions
8:40-9:55 am – Keynote Speaker 1: Mirko Chardin: "UDL and Equity by Design" Recording (Contact for access)
5-minute Break
10:00-10:55 Session Block 1
- 10:00-10:55 From Sad to Rad - Using Microsoft Sway for Accessible Presentations Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
- 10:00-10:55 'Optional but Awesome' Lab Time: Generating Community through Meaningful Application of Class Concepts within Online Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
- 10:00-10:55 Exploring Built-in Technology that Enhances the Online Learning Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
5 Minute Break
11:00-11:55 Session Block 2
- 11:00-11:55 UnQuizzing with Social Annotations: Engaging Students through Hypothesis Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
- 11:00-11:55 Lesson Plans that Implement AI Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
- 11:00-11:55 M4TH = CONN3CTION Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
11:55-12:30 Lunch Break
12:30-1:25 Session Block 3
- 12:30-1:25 Looking Forward: The Evolving Landscape of AI in Higher Education Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
- 12:30-1:25 Embracing Neurodiversity in Higher Education: Building Care, Connection, and Community Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
- 12:30-1:25 Workshop: Building Online Discussions that Prompt Discussion! Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
5-minute break
1:30-2:25 Keynote Speaker 2: Mike Smedshammer Quite Care : Five Gentle Ways to Interact with Online Students and Warm Online Learning Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
5-minute break
2:30-3:30 Student Panel Recording (Contact for access)
Detailed Schedule
8:30-8:40 am – Welcome and Introductions
Please join us online for a quick welcome and preview of the day’s events! Please note that the Zoom link for this session is the same as the link for our first keynote speaker, so this session will be followed immediately by our keynote speaker.
8:40-9:55 am – Keynote Speaker 1: Mirko Chardin: "UDL and Equity by Design" Recording (Contact for access)
Please join our keynote speaker, Mirko Chardin, co-author of Equity by Design, for an important discussion about the concept of Universal Design for Learning, a research-based approach to enhancing student outcomes by taking an intentional design approach to engage and inspire all students.
Speaker information: Mirko Chardin is Novak Education's Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer. Before joining Novak, he was the Founding Head of School of the Putnam Avenue Upper School in Cambridge, MA. Mirko’s work has involved all areas of school management and student support. His greatest experience and passion revolves around culturally connected teaching and learning, recruiting and retaining educators of color, restorative practice, and school culture. He is also a race, diversity and cultural proficiency facilitator & leadership coach for the Aspire Institute at Boston University’s New Wheelock College of Human Development and Education and is a Virtual Module Content Provider and In-Person Technical Assistance Provider for the Dept. of Ed.’s Inclusive Practice Academy.
5-minute Break
10:00-10:55 Session Block 1
10:00-10:55 From Sad to Rad - Using Microsoft Sway for Accessible Presentations Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
MS Sway is an alternative to PPT or Google slides that creates presentations that provide multiple viewing and navigation options for students, beautiful mobile user interface, easy accessibility checking, easy sharing, and easily inserted multimedia. The end result is a user experience more like a website than a presentation. Told from the POV of an instructor looking to level up some very old and inaccessible Google slide presentations.
Learning outcomes:
- Walkthrough the basic design interface in Sway with tips and pointers
- Walkthrough how to upload a PPT file to convert to a Sway presentation
- Walkthrough accessibility checkers
- Experience the navigation and viewing options as a end-user from a link, a Canvas page, or on a mobile device
Facilitator: Meg Phelps
10:00-10:55 ‘Optional but Awesome’ Lab Time: Generating Community through Meaningful Application of Class Concepts within Online Asynchronous Courses Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
A great way to build a sense of community for an online asynchronous class (beyond peer reviews and discussions with required peer-to-peer comments) is to offer 'optional but awesome' synchronous zoom and in-person office hours with specific agendas that are based entirely on student requests and topics. In this session, we'll describe how this special office hour works, how to generate appeal to attend, and what to do for students who cannot attend live.
Learning outcomes:
- Determine what students would really want to learn (what caused students to take the class in the first place?)
- Develop strategies to capitalize on topics students would 'show up extra' for
Facilitator: Nathan Bowen
10:00-10:55 Exploring Built-in Technology that Enhances the Online Learning Experience Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
The path to equity is paved on the road of accessibility. Accessibility ensures every student can interact and navigate their learning environment meaningfully without barriers or delays. In this session, we will gain a better understanding of our diverse student population and their online learning needs. Together we will explore commonly used software (Canvas, Word, PDF) and their built-in accessibility checkers. Further, we will address common barriers students experience that can typically be resolved with a simple click. Join us for an interactive experience that will leave you feeling more equipped to create a supportive, empathetic and inclusive online learning environment for all students.
Target audience is anyone who utilizes software such as Canvas, Microsoft applications, or Adobe Acrobat.
Learning outcomes:
- Understanding our students and their online needs
- Evaluate Assistive Technology - how it supports students access and independence
- Evaluate and learn how to avoid unintentional content barriers
Facilitators: Shyan Diaz-Brown and Shirley Ruiz
5 Minute Break
11:00-11:55 Session Block 2
11:00-11:55 UnQuizzing with Social Annotations: Engaging Students through Hypothesis Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
As online educators, we are often searching for tools and techniques that can bring authenticity and engagement to the online learning environment. This session spotlights Hypothesis as an innovative educational tool that can be used in lieu of traditional assessments, while also fostering genuine student involvement and learning strategies. Following integration of Hypothesis, instructors have observed significant increases in engagement, success rates, retention, and achievement of course objectives. In this session, we will cover how social annotations can transform the syllabus into a collaborative and dynamic resource that students actually read! Then we dive into the applications of social annotations as a replacement for a standard multiple choice quiz for a more authentic engagement with course content. We conclude with how-to steps to craft a Hypothesis assignment, and an open forum on integrating this tool into your own classrooms district-wide. Open to all skill levels, this session welcomes anyone interested in enriching their teaching with, from beginners to seasoned users.
Learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate the Hypothesis tool
- Demonstrate assignment instructions and assessment strategies that encourage self-directed and authentic learning/ compare annotation outcomes to traditional Quiz outcomes
- Demonstrate RSI opportunities of the Hypothesis tool
Facilitators: Meg Phelps and Nicholas Schooler
11:00-11:55 Lesson Plans that Implement AI Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
This session will provide attendees with an understanding of how to improve current lesson plan elements with AI-generated content. By examining the various components that make up a lesson plan such as discussion prompts, questions, directions, etc, attendees will learn ways to improve those lessons quickly and edit those lessons. We will also examine ways to evaluate student content for deeper meaning and provide lesson plans that allow students to use artificial intelligence. The presenter will also use Khanmigo which is Khan Academy's Educational AI Bot.
Those who find AI interesting and useful will be targeted.
Learning outcomes:
- Attendees will be able to identify key components in the lesson plan that can be enhanced with AI. Attendees will be able to determine if these methods will work for their classrooms. Attendees will see demos with Khan Academy's Educational AI Bot.
Facilitator: Matthew Moore
11:00-11:55 M4TH = CONN3CTION Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
It can be difficult to connect with students in the online environment, this session focuses on strategies that will help faculty connect with their online students from the perspective of a seasoned math faculty.
Learning outcomes:
- Sharing of resources others can implement into their classes
- Diverse assessments in an online environment
Facilitator: Vahe Khachadoorian and Katrina Topolinski
11:55-12:30 Lunch Break
12:30-1:25 Session Block 3
12:30-1:25 Looking Forward: The Evolving Landscape of AI in Higher Education Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
In our final session in the 23/24 AI academy series, we want to create a safe space for faculty and staff to discuss and ask questions about the future of AI at Moorpark College. Join us and our panel of expert faculty and staff as they provide their unique perspective on the future of AI in higher ed.
Learning outcomes:
- By the end of the AI faculty and staff panel, participants will be able to articulate at least three ethical considerations in AI development, identify two current AI research trends, and hear from other faculty about the use of AI in the higher ed classroom
Facilitators: Sunita Humagain (physics), Eric Martinsen (English), Danielle Kaprielian (Head librarian) Oleg Bespalov (Dean, Institutional Effectiveness), moderated by Trudi Radtke
12:30-1:25 Embracing Neurodiversity in Higher Education: Building Care, Connection, and Community Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
In today's diverse and inclusive educational landscape, it is essential for higher education institutions to foster an environment that values and supports the unique needs of all students, including those who are neurodivergent. Neurodivergent students, including those with conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other cognitive differences, bring a wealth of untapped potential to our campuses. By embracing neurodiversity, we not only promote a more inclusive learning environment but also enhance the educational experience of all students.
Learning outcomes:
- By the conclusion of this summit session, participants will be able to identify at least three key strategies for supporting neurodivergent students in higher education
Facilitator: Sophia McKnight
12:30-1:25 Workshop: Building Online Discussions that Prompt Discussion! Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
In this workshop, we will share best practices and learn how to build engaging online discussions. We will work in small groups rewriting discussion prompts to better promote student engagement. Please have access to at least two of your existing online discussion assignments during the session. Come prepared to work!
Learning outcomes:
- Write discussion prompts that promote student engagement
- Utilize best practices in building discussions in Canvas
Facilitator: Christy Douglass
5-minute Break
1:30-2:25 Keynote Speaker 2: Mike Smedshammer -- Quite Care : Five Gentle Ways to Interact with Online Students and Warm Online Learning Recording (Caption editing in-progress)
Humans have evolved to be acutely aware of risk, particularly in new, uncertain situations. In this presentation, Mike describes how “stranger danger” worms its way into online courses and threatens student success. Mike’s work on the Humanizing Online STEM Grant with last year’s presenter, Michelle Pacansky-Brock, indicates that subtle adjustments in course design and approach can positively affect students and their experiences in our courses. Mike will provide five specific examples that help calm online students so they can engage with course content.
Speaker information: Michael Smedshammer, Ph.D.-- Mike has been teaching with technology since 1999 when he began putting course handouts on his webpage. He graduated from Santa Rosa Junior College and UC Berkeley before completing his Ph.D. in English at the University of New Mexico. He taught composition and literature classes for 20 years before becoming the Distance Education Coordinator at Modesto Junior College in 2012, where he has certified over 500 faculty to teach online. For the last five years, he has been a co-PI on the Humanizing Online STEM Grant, focusing on using technology to bridge equity gaps. He has been a Certified Blackboard Trainer, Blackboard Catalyst Exemplary Course award winner, @ONE Certified Online Instructor, @ONE Peer Guide, and OEI Lead Course Reviewer. He is the 2021 recipient of his college’s Purdy Award for Excellence in Education and the Beacon of Hope awards. He also serves on the Northern San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Board. When not at his computer, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two college-age kids, cooking, running, backpacking, playing golf, and fly fishing.
5-minute break
2:30-3:30 Student Panel Recording (Contact for access)
Join us for a student panel as we explore how to encourage care, connection, and community in online courses with students from across the district.
March 7 Moorpark College-Focused Professional Development
Moorpark College March 7 PD Sessions
*Note: These sessions are separate from the March 7 DE Summit. Please see the accordion for March 7 District Online Distance Education Summit for programming for that event*
All Moorpark College faculty and staff are welcome to join us for the below Moorpark College-focused online professional development sessions.
10:00-11:00am SLO and Assessment Methods Zoom link
Please join Rachael Beetz for an important discussion about assessment methods at the college as we work to improve student success and retention.
11:15-12:15 Bachelor Degree Program Information Zoom link
Please join Mari Estrada-Gonzalez for information about developing bachelor degree program as we work to increase educational and professional opportunities for our students.
February 7, 2024 Professional Development (Flex) Day
Moorpark College Feb 7 PD Day Program
Schedule At-a-Glance
8:15-8:45 Breakfast and Equity Hub Open House – Outside Equity Hub
9:00-10:15 Creating and Using Effective Captions – LL 124 and online Zoom link!
9:00-11:00 Keynote: Black Voices from the Ivory Tower with guest speaker Khalid White -- CCCR and online Zoom link
11:00-11:45 Lunch – Campus Center
*11:00-1:00* Drop-in headshots -- HM 130 Photo Studio
11:45-1:00 Demystifying PDFs – LL 124 (in person only)
11:45-1:00 On Sabbatical: A New Perspective on Leadership – CCCR and online Zoom link
1:15-2:30 Jotform Presentation (online only Zoom link)
1:15-2:30 Navigating Generative AI in Higher Education, presented by Grammarly – CCCR and online Zoom link
1:15-2:30 QPR Suicide Prevention – TB 114 (in person only)
2:45-4:00 Building Authentic Assessments with AI online only Zoom link
2:45-4:00 Bachelor’s Degree Program Information (online only Zoom link)
2:45-4:00 Teaching Men and Women of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) -- online only Zoom link
Detailed Program
8:15-8:45 Breakfast and Equity Hub Open House – Outside Equity Hub
Please join just for a light breakfast and coffee, which will be set up outside our new Equity Hub. While there, please feel welcome to visit the new Hub and learn more about this excellent space for student support and community building.
9:00-10:15 Creating and Using Effective Captions – LL 124 and online Zoom link
This presentation explores the importance of captions and the four key concepts behind captioning best practices: accuracy, consistency, readability, and equity. Join us as we learn how to provide captions practically and efficiently for all your course videos.
Facilitators: Shyan Diaz-Brown, Shirly Ruiz, Trudi Radtke
Location: LL 126 and online Zoom link
Audience: Faculty and staff who wish to learn more about using effective captions to enhance learning for all students
9:00-11:00 Keynote: Black Voices from the Ivory Tower with guest speaker Dr. Khalid White -- CCCR and online Zoom link
Workshop Scope: A Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) professional development workshop with a focus on learning Antiracism pedagogy. The professional development pedagogy will be meaningful for the Community of Practice, as well as classified professionals, and administrators in supporting student success.
Workshop Overview: Dr. Khalid White will facilitate a professional development workshop focused on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), and Antiracism. Utilizing research data from the Black Voices from the Ivory Tower book and film, the workshop will provide participants practical tools to understand and apply DEIB and Antiracist practices on campus. The 90-minute workshop will include a discussion, short film presentation, reflection activities, and a question-and-answer session.
Learning Objectives:
To provide a firsthand understanding of the impact that race and racism has on Black students, staff, and faculty, in higher education. To enhance campus professionals’ knowledge and understanding of what Antiracism principles and practices are. To support campus professionals’ transition to antiracist principles, practices, and implementation across Moorpark’s campus community.
Workshop Goal: The successful completion of this professional development workshop will provide a foundation for developing a more Antiracist culture and climate. This cultural shift will enhance Moorpark College’s advancement of student success, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Speaker info:
Dr. Khalid White (He/Him/His) is an award-winner in the fields of Education, Film and Literature. A career educator, Khalid began educating California’s youth and young adults in 2004. Presently, he is an African American Studies Professor at San Jose City College, located in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley.
As an entrepreneur, Khalid owns the multi-media company Blkmpwr (Black Empower), LLC. The company focuses on education, empowerment, and equity.
A proud HBCU alum and CA Community College advocate, Khalid is a co-founder of the Pipelines to Possibilities (P2P) program, connecting the two systems of higher education to increase faculty diversity.
Khalid continues to serve in the intersections of education, public health, and community, advancing equity, inclusion, and social justice.

Location: CCCR and online Zoom link
Audience: All Moorpark College faculty, staff, and administrators
11:00-11:45 Lunch – Campus Center
*11:00-1:00* Drop-in Head Shots -- HM 130 Photo Studio
All faculty and staff are welcome to swing by our Photo Studio for some quick professional headshots! First come, first served!
11:45-1:00 Demystifying PDFs– LL 124 (in person only)
Do you distribute content in Portable Document Format (PDF)? Can anyone who opens your PDF interact and access the content in a meaningful way? If you are curious about PDF accessibility, bring your troublesome PDFs and join us for a hands-on opportunity to conquer PDF accessibility together! As this is a hands on workshop, we would like to have everyone participating in person so we develop skills together face-to-face.
Location: LL 126 (in person only)
Audience: Everyone - Classified Professionals, Faculty, and Managers who generate PDFs and distribute via email, Canvas or online.
11:45-1:00 On Sabbatical: A New Perspective on Leadership – CCCR and online Zoom link
Professor Tamarra Coleman will share her sabbatical project, her semester abroad in Costa Rica. She will focus on her coursework in the Global Leadership diploma program at University for Peace. The discussion will be rooted in the idea that leadership comes from within and a deep understanding of who you are and how that can be leveraged to make you a more effective leader.
Location: CCCR and online Zoom link
Audience: Faculty and Classified Professionals
1:15-2:30 Jotform Presentation (online only Zoom link)
Please join Rebecca Stroud for a demonstration on using the Jotform platform to more efficiently create and process online forms to enhance workflow and data organization.
Facilitator: Rebecca Stroud
Location: online only Zoom link
Audience: Classified professionals and others who often make or use online forms
1:15-2:30 Navigating Generative AI in Higher Education, presented by Grammarly – CCCR online Zoom link
Please join guest Kiel McClung from Grammarly and adjunct professor at The Master’s University as he engages us in an interactive discussion about some of the trends, challenges, and opportunities afforded by the development of generative artificial intelligence.
Facilitator: Keil McClung
Location: CCCR and online Zoom link
Audience: Faculty who wish to learn more about generative AI
1:15-2:30 QPR Suicide Prevention– TB 114 (in person only)
QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer Suicide Prevention Training
Provided by Dena Stevens and Allison Case Barton from the MC Student Health Center.
Learn the facts about suicide, how to recognize signs of depression and suicide thoughts, and how to get help. Training certificate upon successful completion. Excellent for any employee. If you haven’t been trained in the last 3 years, please come for a refresher. This training will satisfy the QPR portion of the Mental Health at Moorpark College certificate.
Facilitators: Dena Stevens and Allison Case Barton
Location: TB 114 (in person only)
Audience: Faculty and Staff
2:45-4:00 Building Authentic Assessments with AI -- online only Zoom link
This presentation explores the theory that AI should be used as a tool within the learning process rather than to generate a finished assignment. During this session, faculty and staff will gain valuable insights into the effective integration of AI into authentic assessment practices by understanding the role of AI not as a tool to produce an assignment deliverable but as a tool that can help students connect to the process of learning.
Facilitator: Trudi Radtke
Location: online only Zoom link
2:45-4:00 Bachelor’s Degree Program Information (online only Zoom link)
Please join us for important information about Moorpark College’s developing Bachelor’s Degree Program!
Facilitator: Mari Estrada Estrada-Gonzalez
Location: online only. Zoom link
Audience: All Faculty and Classified Professionals.
2:45-4:00 Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) -- online only Zoom link
Please join us for a meeting of the Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) workgroup as we work together to implement practices to enhance student success across the campus.
Location: online only Zoom link
Audience: Faculty and staff
January 5, 2024 Professional Development (Flex)
January 5, 2024 Professional Development Day
Schedule at-a-Glance
- 8:00-8:30 Breakfast -- CCCR
- 8:30-9:45 Document Accessibility – TB 120 (or online. Zoom link)
- 8:30-9:45 “Everything You Ever (or Never) Wanted to Know About the Budget Process!” – TB 114 (or online Zoom link)
- 10:00-11:30 Featured Event: Guest Speaker Rafael Agustin – CCCR (in person only)
- 11:30-12:30 Lunch – Cafeteria
- 12:30-2:30 Campus Safety – CCCR (or online Zoom link)
- 12:30-1:45 Classified Interview Tips – TB 120 (or online Zoom link)
- 2:00-3:15 TWMOCAs – TB 114 (or online Zoom link)
- 2:00-3:15 “Learning the Language: How to Author AI Prompts that Generate Desired Results” – (online only. Zoom link)
- 3:15-4:45 Bachelor’s Degree Program Information – TB 114 (or online. Zoom link)
Detailed Schedule
8:00-8:30 Breakfast -- CCCR
8:30-9:45 Document Accessibility – TB 120 (or online. Zoom link)
This session will explore how to make accessible documents for your course. Join us as we distinguish between electronic and accessible and learn the importance of creating documents (PDF, Word, PowerPoint, etc.) all learners can access.
Audience: Faculty (both online and in-person) who make use of electronic documents
Location: TB 120 or online Zoom link
Facilitator: Shyan Diaz-Brown, Trudi Radtke, Shirly Ruiz
8:30-9:45 “Everything You Ever (or Never) Wanted to Know About the Budget Process!” – TB 114 (or online Zoom link)
Please join members of our Fiscal Services office as we discuss important information regarding budget processing.
Audience: Classified Professionals who work directly with budgeting. Faculty and Managers involved in budgetary matters.
Location: TB 114 or online (Zoom link)
Facilitator: Fiscal services personnel
10:00-11:30 Featured Event: Rafael Agustin – CCCR (in person only)

Please join us for a talk from the author of our One Campus, One Book selection, Illegally Yours. Informed by Mr. Agustin's journey from an undocumented community college student to successful entertainment professional, this session will be specifically geared for faculty and staff, rooted in professional research, to help us develop and implement concrete strategies to enhance our students' persistence and success. Mr. Agustin will compare his personal experiences as an undocumented community college student with research focused on trauma-informed teaching practices to equip audience members with specific approaches to implement in their classrooms and workspaces.
Audience: Classroom Faculty. Student-facing Classified Professionals. Anyone else interested in learning more about trauma-informed teaching practices.
Location: CCCR (in person only)
Facilitator: Rafael Agustin
11:30-12:30 Lunch – Cafeteria
12:30-2:30 Campus Safety Information – CCCR (or online Zoom link)
In light of concerns regarding safety on college campuses, please join us for an informative and engaging session for updates to campus safety practices and procedures, facilitated by guest speaker Mike Ketaily of Ketaily Technical Consulting.
Audience: All Moorpark College Faculty and Staff
Location: CCCR or online Zoom link
Facilitator: Mike Ketaily
12:30-1:45 Classified Interview Tips – TB 120 (or online Zoom link)
Please join VCCCD HR Professionals Scott Pilch and Gregg Robinson for a highly informative and useful session on tips for applying and interviewing for Classified positions across the district.
Audience: Classified Professionals interested in tips for applying and interviewing for promotion or lateral position changes.
Location: TB 120 or online Zoom link
Facilitator: Scott Pilch and Gregg Robinson
2:00-3:15 TWMOCAs – PS 110 (or online Zoom link)
All faculty and staff are welcomed to take part in a meeting of our Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates group as we discuss key strategies for supporting our students’ educational and professional journeys.
Audience: All faculty and staff with an interest in advancing equity and social justice on our campus
Location: PS 110 or online Zoom link
Facilitators: TWMOCAs core membership
2:00-3:15 “Learning the Language: How to Author AI Prompts that Generate Desired Results” – (online only. Zoom link)
This presentation is designed to empower faculty and staff with the knowledge and techniques necessary for crafting AI prompts that yield specific outcomes. Participants will gain insights into the inner workings of AI language models and learn how to leverage this knowledge to produce desired AI responses.
Audience: Faculty (both online and in-person) and anyone interested in learning more about AI and education
Location: TB 120 or online Zoom link coming soon
Facilitator: Trudi Radtke
3:15-4:45 Bachelor’s Degree Program Information – TB 114 (or online. Zoom link)
Please join us for exciting updates about Moorpark College’s new bachelor's degree program!
Audience: Faculty and Classified Professionals
Location: TB 114 Zoom link
Facilitator: Mari Estrada-Gonzalez
All Moorpark College faculty and staff are warmly invited to join us for our Jan 5, 2024 Professional Development (Flex) Day.
Below is a preview of the sessions. Please check back soon for more information about times, rooming, detailed session descriptions!
Featured event: Guest Speaker Rafael Agustin 10:00-11:30 CCCR

Please join us for a talk from the author of our One Campus, One Book selection, Illegally Yours. Informed by Mr. Agustin's journey from an undocumented community college student to successful entertainment professional, this session will be specifically geared for faculty and staff, rooted in professional research, to help us develop and implement concrete strategies to enhance our students' persistence and success.
Please also look for other excellent sessions including:
Interview Strategies for Classified Professionals
Behavior Assessment and Care Insights
Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates Information
Learning the Language: How to Author AI Prompts that Generate Desired Results
Everything You Ever (or Never) Wanted to Know About the Budget Process!
Bachelor's Degree Program Information
Accessible Documents
October 18, 2023 Flex Day
Please join us on Oct. 18, 2023 on campus for an exciting day of professional learning. Below is the full program for our Flex day. We will have a special guest speaker at 2:00, but make sure to check out all other excellent PD opportunities!
- Please note that all sessions will be held in-person except for certain sessions as noted.
- Please RSVP for meals here
Please note the Guest Speaker Rafael Agustin 2:00-3:30 has been canceled. Watch for a possible reschedule on another date!
Oct. 18 Professional Development Schedule
Schedule at a Glance (please note all sessions are in-person unless otherwise noted)
- 8:30-9:00 Breakfast -- CC Dining Room
- 9:00-11:00 BAC Team and Classroom Management Tips --CCCR
- 9:00-10:10 Library Resources Information Session --LL 126
- 10:20-11:35 Accessibility in Canvas (hyflex Zoom link) --LL 126
- 10:20-11:35 Budget and Grants Processing Information Session (hyflex Zoom link) -- TB 114
- 10:20-11:35 Supporting DREAMers Students at Moorpark -- TB 120
- 11:45-1:00 Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) Meeting (hyflex Zoom link)-- CCCR
- 11:45-1:00 Bachelor Degree Program Information Session -- TB 114
- 1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:30 Special Guest Rafael Agustin -- CCCRsession canceled- 3:45-5:00 Process vs Product: Using AI to Help Students Engage in the Process of Online Assessments -- LL 126 ALSO HYFLEX Zoom link
Descriptive Program (please note that all sessions are in-person unless otherwise noted)
8:30-9:00 Breakfast -- CC Dining Room
9:00-11:00 BAC Team and Classroom Management Tips –CCCR
Please join staff from our Student Health Center and members of our Behavior Assessment and Care (BAC) team for a practical and important discussion about ways to serve our students compassionately when behavior comes a barrier to learning.
9:00-10:10 Library Resources Information Session --LL 126
Please join Moorpark College librarian Jackie Kinsey for an informative presentation about important library resources including:
- Library Instruction
- Embedding the Library in Canvas
- Information Literacy Tutorials
- Canvas Badges
Facilitator: Jackie Kinsey
Location: LL 126
10:20-11:35 Accessibility in Canvas (hyflex Zoom link) --LL 126
As you develop your courses with the inclusion practice of designing with accessibility in mind, you’ve got backup! There is an array of tools out there than can check formatting and even guide you on fixing accessibility errors as you build your content. Join us as we explore the three built-in Canvas accessibility checkers--Canvas Accessibility checker, PopeTech, and Ally—and learn the specific use case for each.
Facilitators: Shyan Diaz-Brown, Shirly Ruiz, and Trudi Radke
Location: LL 126 and Zoom
10:20-11:35 Budget and Grants Processing Information Session (hyflex Zoom link) -- TB 114
Join professionals from our Fiscal Services office who will help you to learn more about the process of inputting and managing data related to budgets and grants.
Facilitators: Fiscal Services staff
Location: TB 114 and Zoom
10:20-11:35 Supporting DREAMers Students at Moorpark -- TB 120
Please join us to discuss what it means to be an ally and how to become an ally for Moorpark College DREAMers students. The session will provide an overview of current policies and legislations affecting undocumented students and the resources available for them. You will also hear the experience from a current student who has utilized our Moorpark DREAMer resources.
Facilitator: Rosa Sanchez
:Location: TB 120
11:45-1:00 Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) Meeting (hyflex Zoom link)—CCCR
Please join with the Teaching Woman and Men of Color Advocates workgroup to discuss important ways to enhance student success and support our students of color. All are welcome to join!
Facilitators: TWMOCAs Core Membership
Location: CCCR and Zoom
11:45-1:00 Bachelor Degree Program Information Session -- TB 114
Please join us for the latest information about our growing Batchelor Degree Program and the ways it enhances our ability to serve our students and our community.
Facilitator: Mari Estrada-Gonzalez
Location: TB 114
1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:30 Special Guest Rafael Agustin
Unfortunately, this session has been canceled. Please watch out for information about a possible reschedule on a different date.
3:45-5:00 Process vs Product: Using AI to Help Students Engage in the Process of Online Assessments -- LL 126
Now also hyflex Zoom link
U.S. Education has an alignment problem—the focus on product versus process in assessments – particularly in online classrooms. This presentation defines this process versus product dichotomy and demonstrates how AI can be a powerful tool in teaching students about—and engaging them in—the learning process.
Facilitator: Trudi Radke
Location: LL 126 and Zoom
August 2023 Flex
Moorpark College Aug 9, 10, and 11, 2023 Professional Development (Flex) Schedule
Please RSVP for 8/10 and/or 8/11 meals here
Schedule At-a-Glance
Wednesday, Aug 9 (all sessions online unless otherwise noted)
- 9:00-10:15 Twitter in Education – Zoom Link
- 10:30-11:45 AI and Education: What goes in Must Come Out: An Introduction to Generative Pre-training Transformer Technology and Ethics – Zoom Link
- 10:00-12:00 BAC and QPR Suicide Prevention –Zoom Link
- 10:30-11:45 Chrome River Training – Zoom Link
- 12:30-2:00 Classified Senate Meeting --CCCR and Online Zoom Link
- 12:30-1:45 Podcasts in Education – Zoom Link
Thursday, Aug 10
- 8:30-9:00 Breakfast – CC Dining Room
- 8:30-12:00 AFT Meeting –TB 114 (in-person only)
- 9:00-10:30 Developing a Safer Campus Community: Implementing Title IX at Moorpark College -- Online with watch party in PS 110 Zoom link
- 11:00-12:15 Program Planning—Online only Zoom Link
- 12:15-1:00 Lunch – CC Dining Room
- 1:00-2:15 Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) – Online only Zoom Link
- 1:00-2:15 Naloxone “End Overdose” Training –In-person only AA Forum. (Note two 30 min sessions 1:00-1:30 OR 1:45-2:15. Choose one)
- 2:30-3:45 Dual Enrollment Information Session –TB 114 and Online Zoom link
- 2:30-3:45 Breaking Down Barriers to Support Access for All (Online only. Zoom link)
- 3:00-5:00 New Faculty Orientation (NFO) First Meeting -- President's Conference Room AD-101 (note only for newly hired full time faculty: Spring and Fall 2023)
- 5:00-7:00 Adjunct Information Session –CCCR and Online Zoom link
Friday, Aug 11 – Convocation
- 7:30-8:30 Breakfast – Outside of PA
- 8:45-12:15 Convocation Programming – PA Main Stage
- 12:15-1:15 Lunch – Behind HM Building
- 1:30-3:00 Division and Department Meetings – per Division
Detailed Schedule
Wednesday, August 9 (all sessions online unless otherwise noted)
9:00-10:15 Twitter in Education
Twitter in Education
Are you a Twitter user? If you are, (or even if you are just curious), Twitter is a creative way to share news, ideas, concepts. debates, practice critical thinking skills etc. directly inside Canvas.
In this session we will
- discuss how Twitter plays into Universal Design for Learning.
- discuss the importance of providing alternative assessments lieu of Twitter for students who prefer not to use Twitter.
- follow step-by-step directions to embed a class Twitter thread into your Canvas course(s).
- practice using Twitter in your class(es).
How does Twitter work, and how can you use Twitter in education? Take a look at some research and ideas from teachers around the globe!
Teaching and Learning with Twitter
How Can Twitter Be Used in the Classroom?
15 Ways To Use Twitter In Education (For Students And Teachers Alike)
Using Twitter to Promote Learning
(To participate in the hands-on portion, please create a class Twitter account.)
Zoom Link:
10:00-12:00 BAC and QPR Suicide Prevention –Zoom Link
Please join us for important information about our Behavior Assessment and Care (BAC) Team and QPR Suicide Prevention training. This is part of a training series which will include Step UP! mental health training at a later date. Upon completion of the series, participants will earn a Mental Health at Moorpark College certificate. Attendees will receive a QPR certificate as well. This is open to any and all employees and those will QPR certification older than 3 years should re-take.
Facilitator: Student Health Center
10:30-11:45 AI and Education: What goes in Must Come Out: An Introduction to Generative Pre-training Transformer Technology and Ethics – Zoom link
Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) technology has been a game-changer in artificial intelligence, offering tremendous potential for language-related applications. However, many educators are unfamiliar with how Chat GPT works, the data used to train the model and the larger social context of AI research and development. This presentation will demystify Chat GPT for educators by providing a definition and overview of chat GPT, a discussion of how this model was trained and developed and introduce the concept of algorithmic bias and the need to explore the ethical promises and pitfalls of AI.
Facilitator: Trudi Radke
10:30-11:45 Chrome River Training – Zoom Link
Please join us for an informative and important session about inputting data and reports into the Chrome River program.
Facilitator: Lisa Smith
12:30-2:00 Classified Senate Meeting --CCCR and Online Zoom Link
All members of the Classified Senate are invited to join us for an important meeting.
12:30-1:45 Podcasts in Education – Zoom link
Podcasts in Education
Aren’t podcasts just pocket-sized entertainment? True, but podcasts also are becoming front-and-center in classroom engagement. Schools, universities, and colleges, are providing “whenever, however learning” with choices between roughly 1.7 million podcasts as of 2021 (Nielson Company). Since emerging in the early 2000s, the medium has grown rapidly in popularity. From 2008 to 2021, the average percentage of Americans aged 12 and older who listened to a podcast within the last month jumped from 9 percent to 41 percent, reports the Pew Research Center; and currently, Nielsen finds that more than half of all Americans listen to at least one podcast a week. Why not capture the popularity of this media and harness it into your own classroom?
Just a few ways Podcasts are used in education; podcasts can
- be an engagement tool
- present a broad array of narrative types and subject matter
- provide flexible learning & are available 24 hours a day
- used for lecture review and missed classes
- keep students up-to-date with contemporary topics
- provide support for mental and visual impairments
- assist with new language acquisition
- etc.
In this session we will
- discuss how podcasts play into Universal Design for Learning.
- discuss the benefit and the worry of the lack of educational gate-keepers.
- discuss curating podcasts for your classes
- embed a podcast into Canvas.
- create and embed a podcast.
To participate in the hands-on portion, please
- create a Soundcloud account
- have your cell phone, or another digital recorder, handy.
- share some of your favorite podcasts on our Podcast Ideas & Favorite Podcasts Padlet
Zoom Link:
Thursday, Aug 10
8:30-9:00 Breakfast – CC Dining Room
Join us for a light breakfast and coffee in the CC dining room
8:30-12:00 AFT Meeting – TB 114 (in-person only)
Please join us for a meeting of the American Federation of Teacher (AFT) Union for important discussions and information about the tenure process.
9:00-10:30 Developing a Safer Campus Community: Implementing Title IX at Moorpark College -- Online with watch party in PS 110 Zoom link
As part of continued efforts to make Moorpark College a safer environment for everyone, this virtual training addresses:
- The Title IX reporting responsibilities of all employees
- How to report
- An overview of what happens after a report is submitted
Note that the facilitator will present via Zoom, but we will also have watch party in AA Forum
11:00-12:15 Program Planning—Online only Zoom Link
Join us for an important discussion of the Program Planning process.
Facilitators: Oleg Bespalov, Kristy Malek, Andrew LaFave, Kim Watters
12:15-1:00 Lunch – CC Dining Room
Join us for lunch in the CC Dining Room
1:00-2:15 Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs) – Online only Zoom Link
All faculty and staff are invited to take part in this important conversation about approaches and best practices to serve our students of color and enhance equity and success across the campus.
Facilitators: TWMOCAs core membership
1:00-2:15 Naloxone “End Overdose” Training –In-person only AA Forum. (Note two 30 min sessions to pick from. 1:00-1:30 OR 1:45-2:15 Please choose one)
During this 30-minute presentation, participants will learn how to:
- Recognize opioid overdose
- Take steps to save a life
At the end of the 30-minute training, each participant will receive a free Naloxone kit.
Facilitator: AJ Banuelos
2:30-3:45 Dual Enrollment Information Session – TB 114 and Online Zoom link
Please join us for an informational session regarding the Dual Enrollment Program at Moorpark College as we seek to increase enrollment of students as well as invite more
2:30-3:45 Breaking Down Barriers to Support Access for All (Online only. Zoom link)
This is an overview of students with disabilities transitioning from K-12 to the higher ed learning environment. Together we will discuss the ins and outs of this transition, the barriers these students face in the process, and how we as faculty, staff, and admin can support practices to create an equitable and inclusive learning environment for all students.
Facilitators: Shyan Diaz-Brown, Trudi Radke, Shirly Ruiz
3:00-5:00 New Faculty Orientation (NFO) First Meeting --President's Conference Room AD 101 (note only for newly hired full-time faculty Spring and Fall 2023)
Newly hired full-time faculty (hired in Spring or Fall 2023) are warmly invited to join the NFO coordinators Jeremy Kaye and Ashley Barbier for the first official meeting for the Spring and Fall 2023 cohort.
5:00-7:00 Adjunct Information Session –CCCR and Online Zoom link
All adjunct faculty, especially new faculty members, are warmly invited to take part in our adjunct information session to address important information for the up-coming academic year.
Facilitator: Brian Burns
Friday, Aug 11 – Convocation – In person
- 7:30-8:30 Breakfast – Outside of PA
- 8:45-12:15 Convocation Programming – PA Main Stage
- 12:15-1:15 Lunch – Behind HM Building
- 1:30-3:00 Division and Department Meetings – per Division
Sep 19, 2023 Flex
Sep 19 Flex Day schedule
Breakfast and lunch will be served. No need to RSVP this time!
- 8:30-9:00 Breakfast – CC Dining Room
- 9:00-11:00 Developing a Safer Campus Community – Next Steps in Implementing Title IX at Moorpark College –CCCR (In person only)
- 11:15-12:30 Just One! Small Accessibility Practices That Have a Big Impact – (Online only Zoom Link)
- 11:15-12:30 Purchasing Overview – CCCR (Hyflex. Zoom Link)
- 12:30-1:00 Lunch –CC Dining Room
- 1:00-2:30 How to Implement and Practice Consent Culture (In person only. CCCR)
- 1:15-2:30 AI and Ethics: A Deeper Dive – (Online only Zoom Link)
- 2:30-3:45 BDP Program Information – (Online only Zoom Link)
- 2:30-4:30 Step Up Training – (Online only Zoom Link)
Detailed Schedule
- 8:30-9:00 Breakfast and coffee – CC Cafeteria
- 9:00-11:00 Developing a Safer Campus Community – Next Steps in Implementing Title IX at Moorpark College –CCCR (In person only)
- Please join us for a conversation where we will expand upon important concepts introduced in our Aug 10 Flex presentation regarding Title IX implementation and the creation of a safer campus. Please note that you do not have to had attended the Aug 10 to participate in this session!
Location: CCCR (In person only)
- 11:15-12:30 Purchasing Overview – CCCR (Hyflex. Zoom Link)
- Please join us for an informative session about inputting data and tracking information regarding the purchase order system
Facilitator: Lisa Smith
Location: CCCR (Hyflex. Zoom Link)
- 11:00-12:15 Just One! Small Accessibility Practices That Have a Big Impact (Online only. Zoom link)
- When you add instructional content to your course it's important to make sure that your content is accessible for students with disabilities, who might be using assistive technology. Since you won't know what future students may need additional support, it's much easier to initially design with intention, rather than build your course to support diverse learners in the middle of a semester! In this session, we explore the fundamental building blocks of making digital content accessible and the accessibility checkers you can use to check your work.
Facilitators: Shyan Diaz-Brown, Trudi Radke, Shirly Ruiz
Location: Online only Zoom link
- 12:30-1:00 Lunch CC Dining Room
- 1:00-2:30 How to Implement and Practice Consent Culture (In person only. CCCR)
- Adding on to the earlier technical discussions about policies and procedures in terms of campus safety, join PAC faculty Suzanne Fagan and Beth Megill for a practical session on implementing consent culture in your classroom. Learn and practice essential games that will help establish a foundation of trust among a group of students and touchstone-tools for maintaining the culture throughout the semester or through the thick of a project. Hear what the Moorpark College PAC is doing to improve the safety of our students and how it has been working so far. Bring questions and situations to discuss with your peers so we can work together to find functional solutions that empower students while honoring the learning environment and opportunities you provide them.
Facilitators: Suzanne Fagan and Beth Megill
Location: CCCR
- 1:15-2:30 AI and Ethics: A Deeper Dive (Online only. Zoom Link)
- As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is aggressively integrated into various aspects of our lives, it becomes crucial to critically examine the ethical implications associated with its use. This presentation will have two parts, the first will discuss big picture AI ethical issues, such as algorithm bias and how flawed training data for generative pre-trained transformers can lead to flawed and biased outputs. The second part will hone in on local ethical questions, AI and academic integrity and how to have effective conversations about academic honesty in an AI world.
Facilitator: Trudi Radke
Location: Online only (Zoom Link)
- 2:30-3:45 BDP Program Information – (Online only Zoom Link)
Please join us for an informative talk on exciting updates to how CA Community Colleges are permanently able to offer B.S. programs, which have been approved at VCCCD/MC. We will discuss nuts & bolts about enrollment, outreach, and provide opportunities for questions.
Facilitator: Mari Estrada-Gonzalez
Location: Online only. Zoom Link
- 2:30-4:30 Step Up Training – (Online only Zoom Link)
Please join staff from our Student Health Center for an important training opportunity to learn more about supporting the mental health for our students and empowering students to help one another.
Facilitators: SHC staff
Location: Online only. Zoom Link
Gina Garcia Guest Presentation (4/28) and Workshop (5/15)
Two Professional Development Opportunities with Dr. Gina Garcia!
All Moorpark College faculty and staff are warmly welcome to take part in one or both these upcoming Professional Development activities via Zoom with Dr. Gina Garcia, associate professor in the department of Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy at the University of Pittsburgh, as she discusses serving our students and advancing student equity and success.
- Friday, April 28 10:30 am -- 12:00 pm Presentation and Q&A. Zoom link
- Monday, May 15 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Follow up Discussion and Workshop. Zoom link
Speaker information:

Dr. Gina Ann Garcia is an associate professor in the department of Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy at the University of Pittsburgh, where she teaches master’s and doctoral students pursuing degrees in higher education and student affairs. Her research centers on issues of equity and justice in higher education with an emphasis on Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs; postsecondary institutions that enroll at least 25% Latinx undergraduate students), Latinx college students, and race and racism in higher education.
She has co-authored multiple publications in top journals including American Educational Research Journal, The Review of Higher Education, and Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. She has given talks at over 100 colleges and universities and delivered keynote addresses to organizations such as the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions Educators (AHSIE), the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Department of Education.
Dr. Garcia was the recipient of postdoctoral fellowships from both the Ford Foundation (2016) and the National Academy of Education/Spencer (2017). She has received awards from national organizations including the Early Career Scholar Award from AERA Latina/o/x Research Issues SIG (2018), the ASHE CEP Mildred García Award for Exemplary Scholarship (Junior) (2018), and the Secondary & Postsecondary Research Award from AERA Latina/o/x Research Issues SIG (2021). At the University of Pittsburgh, she was awarded the Dean’s Distinguished Research Award (2021) and the Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award (2022). She was also honored with the Iris Marion Young Award for Political Engagement (2021) and the Martin Luther King, Jr Creating a Just Community Award (2022) at the University of Pittsburgh for her work as a grassroots leader on campus elevating the Latinx community.
Notably, she is the author of Becoming Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Opportunities for Colleges & Universities, published by Johns Hopkins University Profess, for which she won the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education Book of the Year Award in 2020. She also edited the book Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Practice: Defining "Servingness" at HSIs, published in Information Age Publishing, which provides stories of success from Title V and Title III directors and grant implementors. For forthcoming book, Transforming Hispanic Serving Institutions for Equity and Justice, published by Johns Hopkins University Profess, will be available in Spring 2023.
Dr. Garcia graduated from California State University, Northridge with a bachelor’s degree in marketing and the University of Maryland, College Park with a master’s degree in college student personnel. She was a STEM retention coordinator at California State University, Fullerton, funded by a Department of Education Title V grant for developing HSIs. She also held a position funded by a National Science Foundation grant, working with community college transfer students who wanted to major in science and math. She graduated from University of California, Los Angeles with a Ph.D. in higher education and organizational change, where she worked with Dr. Sylvia Hurtado at the Higher Education Research Institute. Dr. Garcia is the scholar mother of 2 boys, Jovan and Jaren, and has been a fitness instructor for 19 years.
Conference and Webinar Opportunities 2022/23
Thursday May 4 10:00 am Webinar on Enrollment and Success for College Young Men of Color with Drs. Frank Harris III, Marissa Vasquez, and J. Luke Wood.
Community colleges across the U.S. have experienced significant enrollment
declines during the COVID-19 pandemic. These declines were particularly concerning for men of color. For instance, community college enrollments for Black and Native American men dropped by 26% and 24%, respectively. However, many colleges have struggled to return enrollments and retention to their pre-pandemic levels. This webinar will focus on recommendations for enrollment and student success efforts designed to support community college men of color. Our presenters will include Drs. Frank Harris III, Marissa Vasquez and J. Luke Wood.
Join us on the last Thursday of the month for our second webinar of the 2023 COLEGAS series:
“DSPS Con Un Racialized Lens: Clearing El Camino For Students With Disabilities” is a space and opportunity to discuss and debunk what disability is and stress the importance of accessibility where one identifies having a disability or not.
This webinar highlights the conversations about accessibility and disability rights so our students of color will not experience ableism.
Ableism is a system that places value on people's bodies and minds based on a societally constructed idea of normalcy, intelligence, and excellence. You do not have to be disabled to experience ableism. These constructed ideas are deeply rooted in anti-Blackness, eugenics, colonialism, and capitalism
Our panel of experts will feature the following:
Dra. Gail Rulloda, DSPS Counselor at Solano College, Dra. Connie Gutierrez, DSPS Director at Rio Hondo College, Dra. Stormy Miller, Director of Student Services-Student Accessibility & Psychological Services at Marin College, Dr. Christopher Elquizabal, Dean of Student Accessibility and Wellness Services at Cerritos College and Dr. San Lu, Alternate Media Specialist at Napa Valley College.
We will have an opportunity for Q&A with our panelists.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
NAMI (The National Alliance on Mental Illness) Ventura County has an upcoming Community Cares Workshop. Space is still available for the workshop on Monday, Nov. 7 (7-9pm/Zoom). This program will be available with simultaneous Spanish interpretation.
If you would like to attend please register at Please encourage family, friends, and colleagues to attend as well. For more information, please see the flyer attached below and feel welcome to share the flyer with colleagues!

We are pleased to announce a new web series on Racelighting in schools, colleges, and universities. Starting November 3, 2022 at 11am Pacific Time.
The series will be hosted by Dr. Frank Harris III and Dr. Luck Wood of San Diego State University. The series will include pre-recorded materials and live sessions on Nov 3, 10, and 17, all at 11:00am.
Racelighting is an act of psychological manipulation where people of color receive racial messages that distort their realities and lead them to second-guess themselves.
Please join us for a Zoom discussion of the results of last year's racial climate survey at Moorpark College with special guest Dr. Roman Liera.
In celebration of National Transfer Student Week, all are invited to the 2022 Regional Transfer Student Success Summit at CSU Channel Islands on Friday, October 21 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM!
Please see the flyer attached below more details. Agenda highlights include presentations on Student Success Analytics (transfer success, equity, and degree completion), luncheon featuring transfer student and alumni voices, and a keynote and workshop from the authors of Power to the Transfer: Critical Race Theory and a Transfer Receptive Culture.
We are excited to build on the work of past Regional Transfer Success Summits! Please share the attached flyer and RSVP link with your networks.
Registration is now open for the “Equitable Placement and Completion: A Racial Justice Imperative,” a joint effort between the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and The Puente Project. Our featured speaker, Dr. Christopher Emdin, is the Robert A. Naslund Endowed Chair in Curriculum Theory and Professor of Education at the University of Southern California, and author of many titles, including STEM, STEAM, Make, Dream; Ratchedemic: Re-Imagining Academic Excellence; and For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood and the Rest of Y’all Too. Participants will come away with an understanding of how to move racial justice work forward through Equitable Placement in support of student success in the California Community College system. The webinar will also introduce the 2022-23 Puente Communities of Practice (ComPs) for California community college educators, which will include the following strands:
Suggested Audience: The event is open to everyone, including students. We especially encourage the participation of part-time faculty, counseling faculty, and faculty teaching transfer-level Math and English. In addition, classified administrators and professionals, educational and executive administrators, and trustees are encouraged to attend. |

Award-winning author Javier Zamora will discuss his new memoir, “Solito,” on Oct. 19 at noon as part of Moorpark College’s Undocumented Student Action Week, Oct. 17-21. The hour-long Zoom event is free to students and the community.
“We are excited to have Javier Zamora as the keynote speaker for Undocumented Student Action Week this year,” said Alex Yepez, Moorpark College counseling services specialist and Dreamers support lead. “Javier’s story and experiences reflect those of many of our undocumented student population at Moorpark College. It is critical to host a speaker such as Javier to validate and lift up the experiences of our students, especially in this current political climate.”
Zamora was born in La Herradura, El Salvador in 1990. When he was a year old, his father fled El Salvador due to the U.S.-funded Salvadoran Civil War (1980-1992). His mother followed in 1995, when Javier was about to turn five. Zamora was left in the care of his grandparents, who helped raise him until he immigrated to the U.S. when he was nine. His first poetry collection, “Unaccompanied” (Copper Canyon Press, 2017), explores themes revolving around these experiences.
In “Solito” (Hogarth, 2022), Zamora retells his nine-week odyssey across Guatemala, Mexico, and eventually through the Sonoran Desert. He traveled unaccompanied by boat, bus and foot. After a coyote abandoned his group in Oaxaca, Zamora managed to make it to Arizona with the aid of other migrants.
Zamora was a 2018-2019 Radcliffe Fellow at Harvard University and holds fellowships from CantoMundo, Colgate University (Olive B. O'Connor), MacDowell, Macondo, the National Endowment for the Arts, Poetry Foundation (Ruth Lilly), Stanford University (Stegner) and Yaddo. He is the recipient of a 2017 Lannan Literary Fellowship, the 2017 Narrative Prize and the 2016 Barnes & Noble Writer for Writers Award for his work in the Undocupoets Campaign.
To attend the Zoom webinar, register at
For a complete list of Undocumented Student Action Week activities, visit
For additional information about “Solito” and Zamora, contact Yepez at (805) 553-4165 or
Welcome to Digicon 2022 - A Universal Design for Learning Makerspace conference
October 18-20, 2022 (Online)
Are you passionate about collaborating, making, learning, exploring, and sharing UDL practices in Higher Education? Do you have the mindset of a maker – creating, tinkering, learning in a hands-on fashion, and thinking critically about UDL practices? I
Whether you are new to UDL or whether you are an experienced practitioner, join us at the third Digicon conference in Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education (UDLHE) – A Universal Design for Learning Makerspace.
Registration is for $100 per participant.
March 30, 2023 Flex Day
March 30, 2023 Flex Day
All Moorpark College faculty and staff are welcome to take part in our March 30 Flex day. All sessions below will be in hyflex format, unless otherwise noted.
Please RSVP for meals here
- 8:30-9:00: Breakfast. Campus Center Dining Area
- 9:00-11:00: RISE Cultural Competency Training. CCCR. Zoom link
- 11:15-12:30: Giving Students Voice and Choice: Equity by Design and UDL. CCCR. Zoom link
- 12:30-1:30: Lunch. Campus Center Dining Area
- 1:30-2:45: Mindful Crafting. LL 322 (in-person only)
- 1:30-2:45: Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Information and Workshop. CCCR. Zoom link
- 1:30-3:30 Step Up Bystander Training. Online only. Zoom link
- 3:00-4:15: Instructional Design: Liquid Syllabus. Online only. Zoom link
Detailed Session Info
8:30-9:00 Breakfast and Coffee. Campus Center Dining Area
9:00-11:00 RISE Cultural Competency Training. Campus Center Conference Room (CCCR) or Zoom link
Presented by the Diversity Collective, this training was created to educate folks working with the LGBTQ+ community using evidence based on R.I.S.E. Model of the LA LGBT Center. This training aims to decrease the high incidence of trauma and suicide in the LGBTQ+ community. You’ll go through this psychoeducational training with our speaker, Edgar Euan from The Diversity Collective Ventura County, our local LGBTQ+ advocacy and education center. Edgar will give us an overview of DCVC programs, how they serve the community, and he will give us a brief course LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency.
11:15-12:30: Giving Students Voice and Choice: Equity by Design and UDL. CCCR or Zoom link
Please join facilitators Tracie Bosket, Trudi Radke, and Tracy Tennenhouse to explore implementation strategies of key equity principles from the book Equity by Design and the larger Universal Design for Learning (UDL) program. More info coming soon!
For a brief introduction to MCReads and Equity By Design, as well as what we did at the January event, check out the attached pdf slides.
12:30-1:30: Lunch. Campus Center Dining Area
1:30-3:30 Step UP Bystander Training (online only)
Step UP! is an interactive bystander training program to give participants the skills they need to recognize concerning situations and act quickly to reduce safety threats and assist those in need. It is part 3 of our three-part series “Mental Health at Moorpark College,” and once you have taken all three parts, you will receive a certificate of training. (Part 1: BAC Team; Part 2: “QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer, Suicide Prevention”)
Please join us for this important topic! Zoom link
1:30-2:45: Mindful Crafting. LL 322 (in-person only)
Come join us for a creative, mindful, and community-building session where we will work on a hands-on crafting project and enjoy the space in community with one another.
1:30-2:45: Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Information and Workshop. CCCR or Zoom link
Please join us for an important discussion about the Zero Textbook Cost and Open Educational Resources projects and how they can help you enhance success for all students by removing barriers of access to education.
3:00-4:15: Instructional Design: Liquid Syllabus. Online only. Zoom link
Please join instructional designer Tracie Bosket for a workshop about utilizing the liquid syllabus to make your syllabus more accessible and engaging.
March 1, 2023 Flex Day
Morning sessions
March 1, 2023. Virtual DE Summit -- 9:00-12:25
We are pleased to announce that Oxnard College is hosting this year’s districtwide Distance Education Summit on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 (Flex Day) from 9am-12:25pm. This event will be fully online and will include multiple sessions focusing on “Communicating and Interacting with Students” through Distance Education. We hope you can join us for this engaging day of learning and connection.
All faculty and staff should have received an Outlook Calendar invitation for the event. Below is the event program, including Zoom links!

Afternoon session 1:00-3:00
BAC Team Basics and QPR: (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Training 1:00-3:00
Do you ever wonder if a student’s behavior is “BIT-worthy”? Are you concerned about a student, colleague, or loved one’s depression? Are you due to renew your QPR training? If so, Moorpark College will be presenting BAC Team Basics and QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer suicide prevention training in combination on FLEX day, 3/1. Join us by Zoom to learn how you can effectively help someone in need and receive your QPR certificate.
If you are working to complete your Mental Health at Moorpark College certificate, this session combines Parts 1 and 2. (Part 3: Step UP! Bystander training will be offered on 3/30.) This session is open to any VCCCD employee.
January 4 & 5, 2023 Professional Development (Flex)
January 4 and 5, 2022 PD Days Schedule
Schedule at-a-Glance
Jan 4 (all sessions online only)
- 9:00-10:15 Document Accessibility
- 10:30-11:45 Liquid Syllabus
- 1:00-2:15: Library Resources and Academic Honesty.
Jan 5 (all sessions online only)
- 9:00-9:30 Student Panel –
- 10:00-11:50 Keynote: A Community Cultural Wealth Approach at Moorpark College by Dr. Tara Yosso
- 12:30-1:45 Ghana Trip Journeys and Insights
- 2:00-3:15 Equity by Design Book Discussion and Workshop
- 3:30-4:45 Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates
- 3:30-4:45 Breaking News - Essential Ed Tech Updates for Spring 2023
January 4 Detailed schedule (all sessions online)
- 9:00-10:15 Document Accessibility
What are accessible documents? Accessible documents are documents everyone can fully and independently access, even if they are using assistive technology, such as a screen reader or text-to-speech software. How is that done? Join us in person or via zoom as we explore the built-in elements of Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat to ensure documents we create and distribute are accessible to all.
We will have live demonstrations and hands-on exercises for the following:
- Alt Text
- Built-in accessibility checker
- Headings (identifying and modifying)
- Meaningful hyperlinks
- Tables
Facilitator Shirley Ruiz
- 10:30-11:45 Liquid Syllabus
Audience: On-ground, Online, Hybrid, and HyFlex faculty
“A liquid syllabus provides faculty with the opportunity to include a link to a public website that, when tapped with a finger, instantly opens a mobile responsive site that renders beautifully on any size screen. Moreover, unlike a PDF, Word doc, or even a Google Doc, a website supports embedded videos and images, allowing a faculty to ensure the first thing a student sees is their smiling face welcoming them to the course.” - Michelle Pacansky-Brock, Ed.D.
Why use a Liquid Syllabus? Benefits of a Liquid Syllabus
Attend this live workshop and learn how to create your own Liquid Syllabus!
Here are some great examples:
Intro to Theatre Suzanne Fagan of Moorpark College
Biology 100/101 Trishana Norquist of Southwestern College
History of Still Photography Michelle Pacansky-Brock Mt. San Jacinto College
Math 124/224S Frank Gonzalez, Saddleback College
Physics 240 Charlie Sakari, San Francisco State
Computer Science 270 Brent Wedge, Modesto Junior College
Biology 104 Dr. Jeffrey White, Humboldt State University
Facilitator: Tracie Bosket
- 1:00-2:15 Library Resources for Academic Honesty
Please join us for a valuable demonstration of library resources any instructor can use to help students learn how to more effectively make use of outside sources while adhering to the standards of academic honesty. This session will include discussion from librarian Jackie Kinsey and a presentation from Professor Jack Goetz about how these resources have benefited his students.
Facilitators: Jackie Kinsey, Jack Goetz
Jan 5 Detailed Schedule (all sessions online)
- 9:00-9:30 Student Panel – Serving Students
Please join us for a special panel discussion from Moorpark College students where they will present individual observations as well as survey data related to opportunities to better serve student needs.
- 10:00-11:50 Keynote Presentation and Workshop: A Community Cultural Wealth Approach at Moorpark College by Dr. Tara Yosso
Dr. Yosso will introduce us to the community cultural wealth model and discuss how this lens can inform our curriculum, our class environment, the relationships we build within our community, and how that knowledge influences the structures and processes of Moorpark itself. She will offer some examples and provide opportunities for participants to explore and discuss how we might operationalize community cultural wealth and insights about stages of passage for undergraduate students in our approach to cultivating student success at Moorpark.
Speaker Information:

Tara J. Yosso is a Professor in the School of Education at the University of California, Riverside. Her research examines access to educational opportunities for Students of Color at critical transition points in their schooling trajectories (e.g. high school to community college, baccalaureate to doctorate). Her multiple publications and award-winning book Critical Race Counterstories along the Chicana/Chicano Educational Pipeline (Routledge, 2006) highlight an array of cultural knowledges, skills, abilities, and networks (community cultural wealth) utilized by People of Color to survive and resist racism and other forms of subordination. She applies the frameworks of critical race theory and critical media literacy to recover counternarratives of race, schooling, inequality, and the law.
Participants are invited to preview the session handout below
Participants are also invited to read Dr. Yosso's seminal essay where she introduces and defines the Community Cultural Wealth Model
- 12:30-1:45 Ghana Trip Journeys and Insights
Please join us for a special presentation from Moorpark College faculty who participated in the Fall 2022 Ghana trip as they share their experiences, insights, and new perspectives on teaching and serving our diverse student body.
Facilitators: Ghana trip participants
- 2:00-3:15 Equity by Design Book Discussion and Workshop
Please join us for continuing discussion of ideas and applications from Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin’s pedagogy book Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL. This session will continue conversations started in the Oct. 26 Professional Development day, but everyone is welcome to attend, even if you have not had a chance to read the book yet. We will have free copies of the book for anyone who would like one!
Facilitator: Tracy Tennenhouse
- 3:30-4:45 Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates (TWMOCAs)
Please join the core TWMOCAs membership for important continuing conversations and opportunities to best serve our students of color at Moorpark College. Everyone is invited and new members are always welcomed!
Facilitators: TWMOCAs core membership
- 3:30-4:45 Breaking News - Essential Updates for Ed Tech Spring 2023
Synopsis: Breaking coverage of the new Canvas app restrictions, the UDL theme for Spring 2023, and academic cheating with Chat gtp, what you need to know. Our very own ITDs Tracie and Trudi are live, on the scene, January 5th

Please join us on Jan 5 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm in the Campus Center Conference Room (or hyflex, Zoom link coming soon) for a special guest talk and workshop from Dr. Tara J. Yosso, Professor in the School of Education at University of California, Riverside.
Speaker Biographical Information
Tara J. Yosso is a first generation college student and Professor in the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Riverside. She earned her B.A. at UCLA in an individual major she designed: "Social Psychology of Education with an Emphasis in Chicana/o Studies.” She also earned her Ph.D. at UCLA in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, in Urban Schooling. She was recruited to UCR in the cluster hire for scholars working with the diverse U.S. populations of people considered part of what Américo Paredes called, “Greater Mexico.” Prior to UCR, she worked as an assistant and associate professor in the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies at UC-Santa Barbara, and as a professor in the School of Education at the University of Michigan.
Dr. Yosso’s research and teaching apply the frameworks of critical race theory and critical media literacy to examine educational access and opportunity. She takes a collaborative, intersegmental, and transdisciplinary approach to studying the ways Communities of Color have historically utilized an array of cultural knowledge, skills, abilities, and networks to navigate structures of racial discrimination in pursuit of educational equality. She has authored and co-authored numerous chapters and articles in publications such as the Harvard Educational Review, Journal of Popular Film and Television, and History of Education Quarterly. Her research is extensively cited within and beyond education. For example, her article, “Whose Culture has Capital? A Critical Race Theory Discussion of Community Cultural Wealth,” has become the top cited article in Race Ethnicity and Education since its publication in 2005. The American Educational Studies Association recognized her book, Critical Race Counterstories along the Chicana/Chicano Educational Pipeline (Routledge) with a 2008 Critics’ Choice Book Award. She has been awarded a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for Diversity and Excellence in University Teaching and was honored by the Critical Race Studies in Education Association with a 2017 Derrick Bell Legacy Award.
Materials and Suggested Reading
Please feel welcome to read Dr. Yosso's hand out in advance of her talk titled:
Please also feel welcome to read Dr. Yosso's seminal essay where she introduces the Community Cultural Wealth Model
October 26, 2022 Professional Development (Flex) Schedule
Oct 26 Professional Development (Flex) Day
Please RSVP for meals by clicking here
8:30-9:00 Breakfast
Join us for a coffee and a light breakfast
Location: Campus Center Cafeteria
9:00-10:30 Special Guest Dr. Roman Liera: Sensemaking: Moorpark College’s Campus Racial Climate
In this session, Dr. Roman Liera will discuss practical action steps for addressing our racial climate survey conducted by USC's Race and Equity Center. We will discuss proven best practices, including current work happening on campus and how to continue to support this work and engage others in this work. This discussion is equally applicable for faculty and staff and will follow-up on Dr. Liera's initial presentation at our Campus Update on October 10th.
Speaker info:

Román Liera is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Educational Leadership at Montclair State University. He was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles County, where he attended Los Angeles Pierce College before transferring to San Diego State University to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a minor in counseling and social change. He then moved to New York City to attend Teachers College, Columbia University, where he received a Master of Arts in Higher and Postsecondary Education before moving back to Los Angeles, where he earned a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. Dr. Liera designed his research program to study racial equity and organizational change in Higher Education. Specifically, he draws on qualitative research methods to understand how organization processes, norms, and practices perpetuate racial inequity. He anchored his scholarship on a theoretical understanding of university and college campuses as racialized organizations with cultures and structures constraining administrators and faculty efforts to advance racial equity. His current research projects focus on understanding how racism operates in doctoral student socialization, the academic job market, faculty hiring, reappointment, tenure and promotion, and presidential hiring. His research appears in the Journal of Higher Education, American Educational Research Journal, Teachers College Record, Review of Higher Education among others.
Please note that Dr. Liera will be presenting via Zoom, but we will also have the Campus Center Conference Room set up for those who would like to take part in the discussion while on campus.
Facilitator: Dr. Roman Liera
Location: Campus Center Conference Room and Zoom (click here)
10:45-12:00 Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC) Open for Everyone
In this session, we will examine how free and open education resources are promoting student success on the Moorpark campus. We'll examine the intersection of open education practice (OEP) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Finally, we will offer practical examples of ZTC course design and strategies for OER search.
Facilitator: Cynthia Sheaks-McGowan and Trudi Radtke
Location: LLR-124 and Zoom
10:45-12:00 Emergency Notification System
Please join us for an important information and training session for using the campus-wide Emergency Notification System (ENS) app.
Facilitator: Dan McMichael
Location: CCCR and Zoom
12:00-12:45 Lunch—Campus Center Cafeteria
Join us for lunch in the Campus Center Cafeteria.
12:00-12:45 Cookie Decorating!
During lunch time in the Campus enter Cafeteria, everyone is welcome to also take part in our Creative Cookie Crafting Curriculum! We will have all the supplies you need to take part in this fun and creative activity.
12:45-2:00 Equity by Design Workshop
Please join us for an interactive workshop and discussion focused on exploring concrete and evidence-based approaches to designing our pedagogy with equitable outcomes in mind. Participants are encouraged to read the first chapter of Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin's book Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL by clicking here and look over the worksheet by clicking here. A key element of the talk will include working with a chart to visualize UDL approaches; you can preview the chart by clicking here. All are welcome even if you have not read the chapter!
The goal of the workshop is for everyone to gain practical knowledge and walk away with at least one tool for designing their courses with equitable outcomes in mind. During the workshop, we will have conversations focused on applying the concepts in this chapter to our curriculum and lay the groundwork for further conversations about the rest of the book in the spring. All participants will receive a free copy of the book!
Facilitator: Tracy Tennenhouse
Location: CCCR and Zoom
12:45-2:00 Document Accessibility – The Basics – LLR-126
What are accessible documents? Accessible documents are documents everyone can fully and independently access, even if they are using assistive technology, such as a screen reader or text-to-speech software. How is that done? Join us in person or via zoom as we explore the built-in elements of Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat to ensure documents we create and distribute are accessible to all.
We will have live demonstrations and hands-on exercises for the following:
- Alt Text
- Built-in accessibility checker
- Headings (identifying and modifying)
- Meaningful hyperlinks
- Tables
Facilitator Shirley Ruiz
LLR-126 or Zoom
2:15-3:30 RSI Course Heroes
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's an RSI Course Hero! Join our heroes in preparing for accreditation review by exploring best practices in Regular and Substantive Interaction. See specific examples of how your super colleagues are effectively engaging their students in online coursework.
Facilitators: Christy Douglass and Trudi Radtke
(Zoom only)
2:15-4:15 Mental Health @Moorpark College: Step UP! Bystander Training
Please join us for Part 3 of Mental Health @Moorpark College: Step UP! Bystander Training. In this section, participants will learn to
- Recognize problematic events
- Explore attitudes and behaviors impacting our willingness to step up
- Gain skills in stepping up effectively
- Identify campus-specific resources
If you have already attended the BAC Team orientation and QPR training, you will receive the MH@MC Certificate as well.
Facilitators Jenna Horn, Dena Stevens, Jasmine Betka, Allison Barton
Location: Zoom
September 13, 2022 Professional Development (Flex) Schedule
Tuesday, Sep 13 2022
Professional Development (Flex) Schedule
9:00-11:00 am
Title IX and Harassment Prevention Training
During this time, all faculty and staff are invited to complete the Keenan SafeColleges online training for sexual harassment, Title IX, and prevention of harassing behaviors if they have not already done so this semester. Please check your individual email for an email from Ventura College Community College District with the subject line “Keenan SafeColleges Online Training.” The email will include instructions for how to complete the training.
We will also have an open Zoom session running during this time hosted by the Title IX Coordinators from the three VCCCD campuses to address any questions you may have about the content of the training materials.
*Please note the Zoom session is not for technical support about the training itself; the email will include information about who to contact in the case of technical problems*
Title IX Coordinators:
Leah Alarcon – Ventura College
Priscilla Mora – Moorpark College
Jesus Vega – Oxnard College
For content-related questions and discussion, click here for Zoom link
11:15-12:30 pm
QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer Suicide Prevention.
Part two of Mental Health at Moorpark College: MH@MC. If have never been trained in QPR, or your training is 3 or more years older, this training is for you! All faculty and staff are invited to join us for this important training opportunity.
Special Guest Victor Rios
Sponsored by the Moorpark College Classifed Senate, this session welcomes everyone, both classified professionals and faculty, to join us for an inspirational presentation and discussion from Dr. Victor Rios.
Dr. Rios presents insights from over a decade of systematic research in various school sites. His talk provides educators with an overall picture of the importance of emotional support in the lives of marginalized students and demonstrate practical strategies for implementing this support in everyday educational practices.
Dr. Victor Rios is MacArthur Foundation Chair and Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He received his Ph.D. at the University of California Berkeley in 2005. Professor Rios has worked with local school districts to develop programs for students who have been left behind in their education. Using his personal experience of living on the streets, dropping out of school, and being incarcerated as a juvenile—along with his research findings—he has developed interventions for marginalized students aimed at promoting personal transformation and civic engagement. These programs have been implemented in many schools across the United States; juvenile detention facilities; and alternative high schools. He is also the author of six books including, My Teacher Believes in Me: The Educator’s Guide to At-Promise Students (2019); Street Life: Poverty, Gangs, and a Ph.D. (2011); Buscando Vida, Encontrando Éxito: La Fuerza de La Cultura Latina en la Educación (2016); and Human Targets: Schools, Police, and the Criminalization of Latino Youth (2017).
Dr. Rios has been featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Ted Talks, the Oprah Winfrey Network, Primer Impacto, and National Public Radio. He has had the honor of meeting President Obama and advising his administration on gun violence and policing. His Ted Talk “Help for kids the education system ignores” has garnered over 1.6 Million views. He is the subject of the documentary film The Pushouts (
Workshopping RSI - Level Up
Building upon previous discussions of RSI, we explored our RSI toolkit, now, let's use it! Previously we outlined and explored the components of Regular & Substantive Interaction and how to practically implement them in a course. This session will build on those concepts as we discover additional ways to strengthen our RSI habits to generate inclusive, equitable, and accessible learning environments for our students.
By the end of this workshop, faculty teaching online classes in Fall 2022 will be able to:
- Prepare their online sections for ACCJC Accreditation
- Develop course content that ensures Regular and Substantive Interaction throughout the Term
- Collaborate with colleagues to brainstorm RSI best practices and implementation
Facilitators: Christy Douglass and Trudi Radtke
Emergency Notification System (ENS) Training
Please join us to learn more about our campus-wide Emergency Notification System (ENS) to help us enhance safety on our campus.
Facilitator: Dan McMichael
Please note, registration for this event is closed. We will post a recording of the webinar once it is available!
The Mid-Atlantic ADA Center is hosting a free webinar titled: "What's Race Got To Do with It?: An Intersectional Approach to Disability Rights."

Join the ADA National Network for this important webinar:
An Intersectional Approach to Disability Rights
September 13, 2022
1 pm to 2:30 pm ET (10:00-11:30 AM PT)
Mark your calendars! Join the ADA National Network for "What's Race Got to Do with It? An Intersectional Approach to Disability Rights" webinar. This session will introduce the concept of intersectionality, with particular emphasis on the ways in which ableism and racism are interconnected.
Please note, registration for this event is closed. We will post a link to the recording of the webinar once it is available
August 2022 Flex Schedule
Fall Professional Development
(Flex) Schedule Aug 09-11
Theme: Designing to Achieve: Utilizing Universal Design to Support IDEAA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, Accessibility)
Schedule at a Glance
Please note all sessions on 8/9 and 8/10 will be held online.
8/11 Convocation will be held in person in the PAC
Tuesday 8/9 Online Sessions
Community Building Welcome Back Session
Creativity and Teaching
Teaching Women and Men of Color Advocates
Lunch Break
Regular & Substantive Interaction Workshop
Chrome River Training
Teaching at an HSI: Insights from Project Chess
Behavior Assessment and Care (BAC) Team and Mental Health
Wednesday 8/10 Online Sessions
Universal Design for Learning and IDEAA Guest Speaker
10:30-11:45Electronic Accessibility Basics
Session Cancelled
AFT Meeting
Workshopping RSI
Classified Senate Meeting
Program Planning
Campus Safety --Emergency Notification System
Adjunct Information Session
Thursday 8/11 – In Person Convocation
PAC Patio
Convocation Programming
Academic Senate General Meeting
HSS Grass Glade
Division/Department Meetings
By division. See program booklet pg 11
Helpful Links & Tips
- At-Risk: How do I help a Student I'm Worried About? A Faculty & Staff Resource for California Community Colleges can be found at this CCC site
Moorpark Instructional Technology & Distance Education training information can be found at MCDE website
Vision Resource Center -- Vision Resource Center - Available to VCCCD employees through California Community Colleges Vision Resource Center. This site includes many resources for teaching and professional skills.
VCCCD District Professional Development Page Visit here for more resources provided by the Ventura County Community College District.
Shared Materials and Resources for Teaching (SMART), an archive of sabbaticals and best practices from Moorpark faculty, is located in MC Share. Login information for MC Share is located in the Faculty Quicklinks of the MyVCCCD Faculty tab.
Teaching for Success login information can be found in the Faculty Quicklinks of the MyVCCCD Faculty tab.
- Faculty information about ACCESS and students with disabilities can be found on the ACCESS site.
CHARTER: The Professional Development Committee makes recommendations on the direction of professional development activities for full-time and part-time faculty and staff, including:
- Plan, implement, and assess fall and spring faculty professional development (Flex) activities
- Plan, implement, and assess classified staff professional development opportunities
- Coordinate, promote, and assess college-wide professional development activities in conjunction with other College departments and programs in alignment with the Educational Master Plan
- Evaluate applications and award professional development funds to faculty; funds to be considered are limited to those monies identified in the AFT Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Evaluate applications and award other funds provided to the professional development committee
Co-Chair Dean |
Josepha Baca |
Co-Chair Classified |
Gabby Chacon |
Co-Chair Faculty |
Elizabeth Gillis-Smith |
PD Coordinator (no-vote) |
Brian Burns |
Instructional Design Technologist |
Tracie Bosket |
(Alt: Trudi Radtke) |
English, Learning & Student Life |
Tracy Tennenhouse David Birchman |
Physical Science & Career Ed |
Brian Swartz |
Dean |
Michael Ashton |
Student Rep |
Sage Tollefson |
Arts, Media, & Comm Studies |
Beth Megill |
Academic Senate |
Erik Reese |
Allison Bowman (Lauren Snowden alt.) |
Classified Senate |
Kelly Little |
Counseling & Student Support |
Samantha Zaldivar |
Classified Senate |
Kristina Medeiros |
Esme Camarena |
AFT Rep |
tbd |
EATM, Life & Health Sciences |
Katina Walia |
SEIU Rep |
Shandor Batoczki |
Bus, Child Dev Languages, Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Perry Martin, Jr. |
Health, Athletics, Kinesiology, ACCESS, Math, Library, DE |
Tammy Terzian |
Rex Edwards |