Dial 911 Emergency
Campus Police at 1 (805) 378-1455
What to Report:
- Your specific location/building/room
- Number of people with you
- Injuries –number and type
- Assailant's location, how many, race, gender, clothing, features, weapons, backpack identity, direction headed (if known)
If you Outside:
- Proceed to closest building, preferably a room that locks, do not answer the door
If you are Inside (Shelter-in-Place):
- Lock and barricade all doors
- Close blinds, turn off the lights
- Call 911 and/or Campus Police x1455
- Put cell phones on vibrate, be quiet
- Use furniture to shield you
- Do not answer door
- Wait for "all clear" message or further instructions
If shooter has entered your room and begins firing:
- Use furniture to shield you, stay low
- Throw things at the shooter and overpower as a group.
If you decide to Flee:
- Have an escape route and plan
- Do not carry anything while fleeing
- Keep your hands visible and follow directions of police officer
Information from the Active Shooter Presentation given on March 6, 2015