Introduces informal and formal writing techniques for writing practice in composing clear, well-organized paragraphs and short essays. Introduces the paragraph as the basic unit of composition focusing on the development of the topic sentence to make a point and the use of supporting details to support the point. Practices use of major and minor details to support the point, use of transition words to improve connectivity, and use of a closing sentence to improve comprehension. Offers instruction in the writing process, (prewriting, organizing, revising, editing), as well as grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Provides instruction designed to meet the educational needs of students with or without disabilities. Co-requisites: LS M02 Lab.
Provides practice and reinforcement of writing concepts and strategies. Emphasis on meta-cognitive awareness, in thinking about how to think, in terms of, reading, writing, studying, and notetaking. Provides instruction designed to meet the educational needs of students with or without disabilities. Co-requisites: LS M02 Lecture.
Introduces strategies and skills to enhance academic success and personal growth for lifelong learning. Includes gaining self-awareness of personal responsibility, motivation, learning style preferences, career and life planning, goal setting, communication, stress reduction and the development of a self-management system. Integrates self-awareness through learning specific study strategies, including note taking, test taking, and research. Emphasizes critical thinking skills and engagement with resources on campus and in the community. Instruction designed to meet the educational needs of students with or without disabilities.
Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU;UC.
This course will meet general education Area E for CSU GE Breadth.
Introduces foundational math concepts designed for students with math anxiety, or those who have difficulty understanding and applying mathematical concepts. Covers basic operations with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. Applies introductory math test-taking strategies and mnemonic skills for learning and recalling math operations that can be used in subsequent math courses. Provides instruction designed to meet the educational needs of students with or without disabilities.
o Study Guide
o Make pre-tests
o Splash-down
o Review after exam
Develops further foundational math concepts for students with math anxiety, or who have difficulty understanding and applying mathematical concepts. The course includes percents, proportions, measurement, signed number arithmetic, and basic algebra. It expands on previous math test-taking strategies and mnemonic skills for learning and recalling math operations that can be used in subsequent math courses. It provides instruction designed to meet the educational needs of students with or without disabilities.
o Study Guide
o Make pre-tests
o Splash-down
o Review after exam