Did you know that an average of 95% of students who participated in the UCLA CCCP Scholars Program were admitted to at least one UC?
The UCLA Center for Community College Partnerships (CCCP) invites new, current and/or returning Fall 2025 California Community College Students to join the 26th CCCP Scholars Cohort! The staff and faculty at your campus work with the staff at CCCP to provide you with as many opportunities and options as you consider transferring. Take advantage of this opportunity!
STEP 1: Create and complete a UC Transfer Admission Planner
STEP 2: Complete online CCCP Scholars Program 2025-2026 Form
(use same email address for all CCCP forms, including your UCTAP account)
Form link: https://tinyurl.com/uclacccpscholars25-26
(must complete UCTAP account first, visit cccp.ucla.edu for more information)
(after being admitted to our program, you will be able to join these enriching summer experiences - focused on transfer resources and community-building)
Summer Intensive Transfer Experience Plus (SITE PLUS) | Six-week in-person commuter experience. Students will enroll in a UCLA summer session course in the morning, followed by transfer prep activities and equity discussions. Students will receive individual advising on the UC application and personal insight questions, introduction to research, university writing and support programs. APPLY BY APRIL 15
Stem Intensive Transfer Experience (STEM SITE) | Three-day residential summer program hosted at the UCLA residential halls. Students will engage with undergraduate research opportunities, explore various STEM resources and student support programs, and benefit from year-long personalized intersectional peer advising provided by current UCLA STEM transfer students. APPLY BY MAY 15
Summer Intensive Transfer Experience (SITE LITE) | One-day experience at UCLA. Students learn to navigate the community college to transfer to the University of California. Introduction to the CCCP Scholars Program, transfer requirements, educational pipeline, peer advisor lead talking circles, community specific transfer presenters/panels, campus tour, and tips for success at the community college. APPLY BY JUNE 1
Power to the Transfer Webinar (P2TT-W) | Online synchronous experience. Focus on communities, educational pipelines and creating culturally-affirming spaces. Includes the option to participate in multiple webinars. APPLY BY JUNE 1
The CCCP Scholars Program aims to motivate, inform and prepare California community college students to transfer to selective top-tier research (R1 Doctoral*) universities, such as UCLA. CCCP Scholars participate in summer and year-long UC Transfer Prep activities which:
· Assist in maximizing the community college experience
· Guide them through the admission and application process
· Provides research and pre-graduate opportunities and career exploration.
The program is grounded on Critical Race Theory in Education as a framework to promote academic excellence, address social justice issues and improve educational access and equity.
CCCP Scholars have a higher rate of admission to selective institutions and are eligible for special scholarships.
*Based on Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, 2021 Update
Please Note: This program is open to ALL community college students including high school seniors enrolling in a community college in Fall 2025 who are interested in applying to ANY 4-year university (e.g. UC, CSU, HBCU, Private, Out-of-State) with emphasis on the UC.