- How do I make photocopies?
- Is there a computer lab for faculty?
- How do I access my e-mail from off campus?
- How can I recommend books that the library should buy?
- How do I put things on reserve for a class?
- May I bring my students for a library orientation?
- How do I get help with AV equipment in the classroom?
- How can I post a webpage for my classes or help with Distance Education?
- Where can I get additional instructional or technological training?
- What to I do if one of my students needs special accommodations? What is a confidential memo, and what should I do if get one?
1. How do I make photocopies?
Canon Copy Center in the Student Center for a large number of copies. For a smaller number of copies, you can use the Faculty Resource Center LLR-116. You must get the Copy Code from your Division Office .
2. Is there a computer lab for faculty?
Yes, in the Faculty Resource Center LLR-116, which includes computers (PCs and one Mac), scanner, and copier. www.moorparkcollege.edu/faculty_staff/instructional_technology/staff_resource_center/index.shtml
3. How do I access my e-mail from off campus?
Log into my.vcccd.edu and clock the "Outlook" icon at the top right of the page. For more questions and answers about MyVCCCD please see the Getting Started page of this FAQ.
4. How can I recommend books that the library should buy?
Contact one of the Associate Librarians. Since the purpose of the library's collection is to support curriculum, recommendations are strongly encouraged.
5. How do I put items on reserve for a class?
Contact the Circulation Desk in the Library. Requests must be made at least two working days before the items need to be available for your students. Circulation Desk , Ext. 1450.
6. May I bring my students for a library orientation?
Yes. Please schedule the instruction session with one of the reference librarians. Arrangements must be made five school days prior to the scheduled session.
Contact the Reference Desk at: (805)378-1472
7. How do I get or get help with AV equipment in the classroom?
Contact the IT Help Desk at ext. 1735.
8. How can I post a webpage for my classes or help with Distance Education?
Contact the Instructional Technologist x1643
9. Where can I get additional instructional or technological training?
Faculty Development activities can be found on the Faculty Development calendar on the Faculty Development homepage. There are also announcements of training on MyVCCCD. There are two online sites that are helpful. First, there is lynda.com, which can also be found on MyVCCCD under "Employee Information" quick links. Second, there is the Teaching for Success Library, which can be found on MyVCCCD under "Faculty" quick links.
10. What to I do if one of my students needs special accommodations? What is a confidential memo, and what should I do if I get one?
ACCESS (Accessibility Coordination Center & Educational Support Services) is the program that assures all Moorpark College classes, activities and facilities are accessible to all qualified students. Their contact information is (805) 378-1461. ACCESS has a very helpful guide called "Information for Instructors." This guide explains the confidential memo, accommodations for exams, note taking accommodations, etc. For proctored exams, you can e-mail your exam to mcaccessproctoring@vcccd.edu.
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