Most Services are available online.
Content Grid

Academic Counseling
Steers students in choosing the right classes to achieve educational goals.

Accommodates and provides support services to students with disabilities.

Admissions & Records
Assists with admissions, registration, info changes, and student records.

Articulation Office
Identifies whether coursework will receive credit at another higher-ed institution.

Associated Students of Moorpark College (ASMC)
Promotes student welfare, leadership, advocacy, and engagement.

Behavior Assessment & Care (BAC)
Report behavior of concern.

Textbooks, Apparel, Supplies and more.

Assists CalWORKs recipients in achieving academic goals and self-sufficiency.

Career Center
Jobs, Internships, Career Resources and Support Services

Complaint & Grievances
Resolving conflict and keeping students safe.

Provides undocumented and AB 540 students and DACA recipients support services.

Dual Enrollment
Helps high school students enroll in college courses and earn college credit.

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
Offers counseling and textbook help to eligible students and TANF recipients.

Financial Aid Office
Provides info and access to financial resources to pay for student education.

First-Year Experience (FYE)
Provides personalized academic counseling to complete a trackable educational plan.

Access student forms.

Honors Program
Challenges students to be creative, curious, and reflective.

International Student Program
Supports prospective international students from local colleges and universities.

Provides access to textbooks, digital devices, study rooms, and tutoring.

Receive training on machines ranging from computers software to wood working tools.

Mental Health Counseling
Confidential and no-cost mental health counseling.

Moorpark College Promise
See if you qualify for the first two years of college at no cost.

Supports the academic and personal goals of current and former foster youth.

Office of Student Life
Office of Student Life and Student Activities

Official Transcript Request
Processes paper and e-transcript requests for current and former students.

Online Orientation
An introduction and necessary tools to get you started.

Online Student Support Desk
Helps to navigate distance education/online learning environment.

Outreach Office
Enables the enrollment of students from local high schools and the community.

Program for Accelerated College Education
A degree program for busy adults - complete in two years.

Raider Central (Basic Needs)
Helps to meet students' basic needs essential to your quality of life!

Scholarship Office
Provides financial assistance, recognition and encouragement.

Self-Placement Guides
Helps students determine appropriate placement in Math, English, and ESL.

Starfish Student
Schedule counseling appointments, connect with services, and receive messages from instructors to help you be successful.

Student Business Office
Receives payment for health center, childcare, and student fees; sells photography, printmaking, and clay cards.

Student Health Center
Provides medical care, mental health counseling, and valuable wellness resources. All services are confidential.

Testing Center
Provides proctoring services and faculty-approved make-up examinations.

Tutoring and Learning Center (TLC)
Provides academic support, tutoring, and workshops.

University Transfer Center
Guides students in exploring transfer options and opportunities.

Veterans Resource Center
Offers benefits, resources, and networking opportunities to U.S. veterans.

Welcome Center
Greets and offers information for students and the general public.

Zero Textbook Cost Courses
Provides digital textbooks and resources at no cost to students.
Moorpark College Mission
Moorpark College’s student-first philosophy embraces equity, social justice, anti-racism, and intersectionality. We empower learners from local, national, and global backgrounds to achieve their certificate, associate and baccalaureate degree, and transfer and career education goals. Through the integration of innovative instruction and holistic student support, our programs are designed to foster equitable student outcomes.