Associated Students of Moorpark College (ASMC)

Every registered student at Moorpark College constitutes the enrolled student body and is thereby a member of the Associated Students of Moorpark College, otherwise known as ASMC. Each spring semester the Moorpark College student body elects the ASMC Board of Directors.

What is the ASMC Board of Directors? The ASMC Board of Directors is comprised of Moorpark College students who volunteer their time to serve their campus community as the sole representative body of the students. The ASMC Board of Directors is the college's officially elected student government and exists to voice concerns and opinions on matters impacting Moorpark College students. The ASMC board of directors operate according to their governing documents, the Constitution and Standing Rules.

How do I know what they will discuss at their meetings? Community members can view the ASMC Board of Directors' weekly agendas, available on BoardDocs, for meeting location and access information, as well as to view their priorities and planning.

  • ASMC Officers dressed as frogs
    ASMC Officers dressed as frogs for Halloween 2024.
  • Two students show their Moorpark College pride by dressing like Raiders.
    2023-2024 ASMC Directors Hatif Syed and Ethan Gray show their Moorpark College pride at a home football game.
  • Students table at an ASMC event.
    ASMC Directors Alette Laughton and Angela Batoon (2022-2023) smile for the camera while tabling during the annual Club Rush event.
  • Graduating 2023-2024 ASMC officers smile for a photo
    Graduating ASMC officers from the 2023-2024 board smile for a photo after Commencement. 
  • ASMC officers smile for a group photo
    ASMC officers of the 2023-2024 board smile for a group photo.