This page serves as the official virtual resource and operations handbook for formally chartered and approved student clubs and organizations.
Can't find what you're looking for in this section? Club leaders are encouraged to contact their advisors first with any questions they may have about club goals, priorities, and operations, though they are also welcome to reach out to the Associated Students ( or the Student Activities Specialist ( for additional support.
Club resources (listed alphabetically)
Posting flyers on campus
Student organizations can advertise their club's meetings, events, or activities by posting flyers in designated posting places.
Printed materials may be posted on all general-use bulletin boards located on or inside campus buildings, or along the sides of the concrete walkway bridges on Raider Walk.
Flyers or posters that are displayed on the Moorpark College campus can only be hung up with the use of painters tape. Rolls of this tape can be borrowed from the Student Activities Office (located in the Campus Center, across from the MC Bookstore).
Advertisements will be taken down on the last working day of the month. Additional posting policies are on the posting policies webpage.
Printing flyers for posting on campus
Clubs can have black and white or color flyers mass-produced with funds from their club trust account funds by contacting the ASMC Board ( a PDF copy of the artwork they would like to have produced in addition to the following information:
- Size of flyers or posters
- Quantity needed
- Single- or double-sided, if applicable
- Date items are needed
The marketing material would then be produced by the Moorpark College Print Shop. The Office of Student Life will notify you when your print order is done and ready for you to pick up from our office.
Moorpark College marquee displays
Moorpark College's large marquee, which is seen at the corner of Collins Drive and Campus Park Road at the campus's entrance, is a 4K resolution horizontal display. Clubs wishing to display meeting or event graphics on the marquee must ensure their image is large enough for the screen. Image specs must be 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels tall.
Marquee display requests with accompanying graphics can be sent to Moorpark College Marketing, Communications, & Web Design Coordinator Dina Pielaet at
MyVCCCD student portal announcements
Clubs and student organizations wishing to have an announcement featured in the MyVCCCD student portal must submit a VCCCD Marketing portal announcement request.
Posting your club activities on the Moorpark College Events calendar
Clubs and student organizations can have their club meetings or events featured on the Moorpark College events calendar by emailing event/meeting details, such as event title, date, time/duration, location, and anything else pertinent, to Moorpark College Marketing, Communications, & Web Design Coordinator Dina Pielaet at
Advertisements in the Moorpark Reporter
Students can advertise on the Moorpark Reporter's website free of charge. Visit the Place An Ad section of the Moorpark Reporter website for details.
Using chalk on campus
Registered student organizations may request to use chalking as a way to advertise for your event with prior permission from the Office of Student Life.
Drawings cannot be inappropriate, destructive, or harmful in any way. Writing must remain on asphalt and concrete walkways and cannot go on any vertical surface (e.g., buildings, signs, walls, pillars, posts, benches, planters, doors, windows, fountains, gates, retaining walls, bridges, trash receptacles, steps, light posts, posters, tables, trees, or other such item). Chalk used must be water-soluble and erasable; spray chalk or grease chalk is prohibited.
(Chalking guidelines from the Rutgers University Campus Involvement page.)
Creating marketing collateral
There are free online resources available that students can use to create flyers for their clubs:
Canva ( allows for the creation of designs for web or print, including blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations, and much more--all for free.
Adobe Express ( is another platform that allows you to create graphics and marketing collateral with ease.
Mass email messaging
You may find it helpful to communicate to your club membership via an online email marketing platform.
MailChimp ( allows people to create beautiful email campaigns for free, and has been used by MC clubs before.
The Ventura County Community College District must account for all spending done by student clubs and organizations that have been formally recognized by the Associated Students of Moorpark College.
Club and organization spending is managed through the set-up of a agency account. Any officially recognized club or organization can set up an agency account, which allows them to receive and deposit funding which they can spend on things like conferences, prizes, food, and other items.
The following paperwork demonstrates how to use or update a agency account:
Blank trust and agency account SET-UP form - for new or returning clubs that do not yet have an account
Blank trust and agency account UPDATE form - for clubs that have an agency account but need to change their form to add new signatories (people who are allowed to spend from the club account
Please contact the MC Office of Student Life with any questions regarding receiving donations or gifts: (805) 553-4976 or
VCCCD policies related to the receiving of gifts or donations
The Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) has governing Board policies and administrative procedures related to the receiving of gifts, donations, and bequests:
Cash donations made to clubs
If an individual or outside organization wishes to make a financial donation to your club, they may do so by writing a check out to "Moorpark College" and writing the club's name in the Memo line.
Cash or check donations should be deposited into your club's trust account at with an accompanying VCCCD Donation/Gift Acceptance form. You may make deposits at the Student Business Office, located on the first floor of Fountain Hall.
Non-monetary or in-kind donations
Non-monetary donations, such as equipment, also require the submission of the VCCCD Donation/Gift Acceptance form to the MC Business Services department, located in the Administration Building across from the President's Office.
Tax Identification (ID) number
The VCCCD's EIN/tax ID number is 95-2224338. Please note that while the VCCCD and Moorpark College are not-for-profit entities, neither of them are 501(c)(3) non-profits.
To be considered an official Moorpark College student organization and receive any associated benefits, clubs must:
Be formally recognized by the ASMC Board of Directors. All student organizations must be formally recognized by the Board of Directors in order to receive the benefits offered by ASMC. Benefits include: use of the college name in all publicity; using college facilities for meetings, events, or activities; and requesting funds from ASMC through the Programming Committee.
Review the ASMC Constitution & Standing Rules to understand how clubs are expected to operate. The ASMC governing documents outline procedures by which clubs are expected to operate, as well as grounds by which they could be suspended if are not meeting minimum expectations.
Participate in Inter-Club Council meetings. Formally recognized student organizations are automatically considered a part of the Inter-Club Council (ICC). The ICC will serve as the representative body to coordinate and promote communication and cooperation among student organizations on campus. The ICC is composed of officers and a voting representative from each student organization, and it is required that a representative from each club attend the monthly ICC meetings, which are chaired by the ASMC Director of Student Organizations.
Track your meetings. Take minutes each meeting and collect roll for all members in attendance at each meeting, and provide that information to the ASMC Director of Student Organizations. Clubs should also provide the Director of Student Organizations with scheduled meeting times so this information can be made available on the MC website. Contact the ASMC Director of Student Organizations at
Submit your renewal forms on time! Contact the ASMC Director of Student Organizations at with questions regarding club rechartering deadlines.
Visit the Student Club Travel Protocol Page for a comprehensive look at campus and district travel procedures and expectations.
Advisors should also review the VCCCD Risk Management Department's Student Travel, Field Trip and Excursions Procedures and Forms manual.
Students, faculty, staff, or local community members must submit an application for approval before conducting any filming or commercial photography on the Moorpark College campus. Please select the appropriate filming permit from the two options below, and submit the completed form to the Moorpark College Business Services Office, located in the Administration Building.
General Film Permit (for faculty, staff, or other community members)
Student organizations must abide by Moorpark College's Food Safety Regulations when providing food to club members or to the broader MC community. Regulations differ slightly, depending on if the meeting or event is a private meeting/event or a public or community event.
Serving food at private meetings or events
An event or meeting is considered to be private when you have a restricted guest list in which only those individuals on the list may attend the meeting or event. The event should not be advertised widely via social media or other avenues for the purpose of soliciting additional attendees.
For private events, any club, class, or employee group may serve food prepared at home or purchased from an eatery (example: Costco pizza) and will not have to apply for a Health Permit if their event is not open to the public and has a specific guest list with names. Please scroll down to the "Petty Cash" section to learn about how to access funds from your organization's agency account to purchase food and other items for meetings.
Serving food at public and/or community events
A public or community event is one that is advertised off campus, including social media, and is open to anyone and everyone can attend. Examples might include fairs or festivals, (Grand openings, give-away events, or any other event that is designed to increase, celebrate, or promote a business is not a community event.)
For public/community events that have been advertised, are held in a public place, or the general public is invited to attend AND the event meets the definition of a public/community event, then the event is to be regulated and may require a permit.
Public/community events that feature food often include either a Mobile Food Facility (MFF; a permitted vehicle, like food trucks or food carts, that prepare and sell food) or a Temporary Food Facility (TFF; a food booth that sells or gives away food or drinks).
Mobile Food Facilities (a.k.a. food trucks or food carts)
Mobile Food Facilities that possess a current annual health permit issued by VC EHD do not require the submission of a TFF application. Hosting a food truck is easier than having a vendor set up booth from which to distribute food from a paperwork and permitting standpoint. (See "Food trucks at events" section for more details about bringing a food truck to the Moorpark College campus for an event.)
Temporary Food Facilities (a.k.a. food tents or booths)
Temporary Food Facilities that give away food or drinks from a temporary structure or a non-permitted facility such as a school or park kitchen need to submit a TFF application. TFF applications and instructions can be found on the VC EHD website. If you plan to host a vendor who sets up food via a booth, the event organizer must apply for a permit from the Ventura County Environmental Health Division (VC EHD) at least 45 days before the event in which food vendors will be present and will be preparing and selling food to the public. The application form must be signed by a Temporary Food Facility-Certified Moorpark College staff person, and it must be submitted to the College Business Services Office no less than 45 days before your event in order to ensure approval from the VC EHD to have food at your event.
What if food or drinks are being donated to the club?
If food and drink are being donated, and there is absolutely no cost to the club, then no Health Permit is required. If the student club uses a VC EHD-permitted Mobile Food Facility for their event, the club would not need to purchase a Health Permit for its event. Even if a permit is not needed, the College Business Services Office must still be notified of the event no fewer than 14 days in advance.
Please contact Student Activities Specialist Kristen Robinson at if you have additional questions or if you would like to receive the required paperwork for bringing food trucks on to campus, or for catering a public event.
Hiring food trucks for club events
If a club wishes to invite a food truck on campus for an event it is hosting, or it wishes to retain a food truck that is currently on campus for an after-hours event, the club will need to take the following steps no less than three weeks before the event is to take place (steps 2 and 3 could be interchangeable, depending on which is more important to your club, the date of the event or the vendor's availability):
Step 1: Confirm you have sufficient funds in your club's trust account to cover costs associated with having a food truck on campus (contact Kristen Robinson if you are unsure:

Step 2: Submit a Facility Use Form to the Student Activities Office at least three weeks in advance to secure the date, time, and location of the event; Student Activities Office will work with Business Services Office to identify appropriate campus location for food truck to park, if approved.
Step 3: Contact the potential food truck vendor for the following information (a list of food truck vendors is available on the Ventura County Environmental Health Division's website):
- Confirmation that they are available on the date and time you've confirmed in step 2
- Confirmation that they accept purchase orders (PO)
- Completed New Vendor Set-Up Packet (if they haven't worked with a VCCCD campus previously or in recent years)
- Quote and contract for costs associated with your event
- Copy of their current health permit with the County of Ventura and their truck or trailer's license plate number
- Copy of their Certificate of Insurance, or COI (click for insurance requirements packet)
Step 4: Using the information you have gathered from the food truck vendor, complete an MFF Event Organizer Form (view sample completed form).
Step 5: Using Google maps, create a map showing exact placement of food truck as arranged with the Student Activities Office and Business Services Office in step 2 (view sample map).
Step 6: Submit the aforementioned paperwork in Steps 3, 4, and 5 along with a completed hard-copy requisition form (available in the Student Activities Office; view sample requisition) to Kristen Robinson in the Student Activities Office so the information can be input into the VCCCD's system to begin the process of creating a PO for your event.
Below are quick links to some of the forms clubs frequently use during their operations:
Certificate of Insurance (COI)
Any vendor who comes on to our campus should be prepared to provide the insurance requirements outlined on the COI packet. -
Club officer and advisor agreement renewal paperwork: Clubs that wish to continue into the next academic year must submit club renewal paperwork.
Electronic Communications Submission: Want to advertise your club event on the marquee, in the Portal, or on the LCD screens around campus? Have your advisor submit this form.
Field Trip/Excursion Request form: Your club advisor must submit this form, along with a roster of all participants (and their 900- numbers) and any required transportation forms to the Student Activities Office two weeks in advance of a field trip.
Funding Application: If you wish to request funding from the Associated Students of Moorpark College, please complete this form and email it to Visit the ASMC Committees page for more information about the Programming Committee and ASMC's financial award process.
Invoice for Services Rendered: If you hire a speaker and that person is to be paid less $2,000 or less, please submit a completed requisition form and this Invoice form to Student Activities.
Mileage reimbursement form: If someone in your club drove other members on a pre-approved field trip, that member could be reimbursed for their mileage
Mobile Food Facility form: Please complete this form if you wish to bring a food truck on campus (see Food trucks); bring form to Student Activities Office
Standard Agreement form: Needed if you wish to hire a person or business for a service, and that person or business does not provide a contract
Transcript Addition form: If you held an officer position with a club or were in an Honors society (e.g., Phi Theta Kappa or Delta Alpha Pi), you can have this involvement reflected on your official academic transcripts by completing this request form to initiate the process.
Trust account set-up form: If you formed a new club and you wish to establish a trust account, please complete this form and submit it to the Student Activities Office.
Trust account update form: If you already have a trust account established but need to update which people can authorize spending from it, submit this form to the Student Activities Office
Vendor set-up packet: Needed when you wish to create a purchase order with a vendor we haven't previously used
District policy on fundraising
According to VCCCD Board Policy 3821, college clubs and programs, student organizations, and Associated Student government must obtain prior written approval from the college Vice President of Business Services for all sponsored activities where funds are solicited on behalf of the said club or program.
Additionally, clubs should receive advance approval to use Moorpark College's or ASMC's name or logos in any associated marketing material when advertising fundraising.
Furthermore, signing contracts that include ongoing funding agreements on behalf of the Ventura County Community College District, Moorpark College, or a Moorpark College-sponsored student organization are not permittable.
Tax identification number
Sometimes local businesses will request an organization's tax identification number (TIN). The VCCCD's TIN is 95-2224338. Please note that while the VCCCD and Moorpark College are not-for-profit entities, neither of them are 501(c)(3) non-profits.
Acceptable methods of fundraising
The following types of fundraising may be permissible by Moorpark College:
- Teaming up with a local eatery to have a percentage of their sales for a day go to your organization. Local places like California Pizza Kitchen, The Habit, Chipotle, Panda Express, Toppers Pizza, Wood Ranch and others will pay a percentage of food sales generated that day by the club back to the club in the form of a check.
- Collecting entry or admission fees for events such as fun runs or walks, performances or concerts, speakers or conferences, or other things of this nature, especially if there are door prizes or giveaways awarded to individuals present. An example of this is the FLeX Club's annual Xtreme Raider Challenge.
- Limited selling of nonperishable foods or goods. An example would be a club selling See's Candies or creating custom apparel and selling the items for profit.
- Attending a live taping of a TV show. Clubs can see a live TV taping with companies such as On Camera Audiences and earn money for their group! On Camera Audiences works with over 50 of TV’s biggest shows- America’s Got Talent, Family Feud, American Ninja Warrior, and more. Clubs that bring 10 or more people to one of their shows will receive a mailed check made out to their organization. For more information, call their group booking department at 818-880-8200 or email to see which shows are available: (Please note that clubs that travel off-campus for official fundraising club activities must submit the required Field Trip Forms. See the "Field trips" section of this page for details.)
- Receiving event sponsorships from local businesses or receiving donations of goods or services in kind from local businesses (some restrictions may apply).
All cash and check funds raised by clubs must be deposited into the organization's trust account at the Student Business Office at the earliest time possible. The Student Activities Office has cash boxes available for loan to clubs that wish to security collect funds the day of an event. In addition to fundraising, student organizations can submit a Funding Application to receive financial support from the Programming Committee (see "Requesting funds from ASMC" section above).
Unacceptable methods of fundraising
Sample fundraising activities that are NOT permitted at Moorpark College include (but are not limited to):
- Bake sales, due to liability issues regarding food handling
- Car washes, due to liability issues regarding vehicle safety or damage
- GoFundMe accounts or using online services such as PayPal or Venmo to receive funds for your club
- Events that involve an element of chance, such as a casino night or card tournament
All officially recognized MC student clubs and organizations are considered members of the Inter-Club Council (ICC). ICC meetings are Chaired by the Associated Students of Moorpark College (ASMC) Director of Student Organizations. Learn more about the ICC here.
While clubs will often invite Moorpark College faculty, staff, or students to speak or perform for their organization, often they will wish to invite someone from off-campus or outside of the VCCCD to participate in an activity hosted by their members. This is welcomed, but it can take a few weeks to process the required paperwork listed below, especially if the invited guest is receiving an honorarium (i.e., payment for their involvement in your activity), so please plan accordingly!
What is needed if the club is inviting an speaker or performer who is getting paid less than $2,000:
- An In-House Facility Use Form to reserve your desired location on your specified date and time
- A requisition form for approval of visit by speaker or performer. Requisitions are available in hard-copy only and can be accessed in the Student Activities Office.
- Completed Vendor Information Form and current W-9 IRS tax form to add the speaker or performer into the VCCCD system to issue payment
- Completed Invoice For Services Rendered (form #14011); form to be signed by speaker or performer the day of the event and submitted to Fiscal Services to finalize payment, assuming the vendor does not provide their own invoice
- A Standard Agreement form
- A Certificate of Insurance* (*only if the speaker indicates their business is anything other than an individual/sole proprietorship)
What is needed if the club is inviting an speaker or performer who is getting paid MORE than $2,000:
Please note that direct payments of up to $2,000 may be processed by following the steps above. Any payments of $2,000.01 and above still require all of the above documentation, but it also requires a Purchase Order.
A Purchase Order, or P.O., is a legally binding document sent from a buyer to a seller. Creating a P.O. does not mean more work for the student club or the speaker or performer, but it does mean that it will take longer for the college to be able to formally approve your guest(s).
What is needed if a club is an inviting an individual from the community who is not receiving payment:
- An In-House Facility Use Form to reserve your desired location on your specified date and time
- A Standard Agreement form
Even if a speaker is delivering a lecture or workshop free of charge, she or he should still submit a Standard Agreement form where they acknowledge they are not receiving payment for their speaking engagement, and where they sign off that they will not hold the college or the district liable should anything happen to them or their property while they are on our campus.
Parking for visitors
Parking permits are requires for anyone visiting the Moorpark College campus. Guests can pay for a daily parking permit here. If you have invited a guest to the college who is unfamiliar with its layout, please provide them with detailed instructions on which parking lot is the closest to the room you have reserved and information about how to navigate to the space.
MakerSpace provides a variety of tools to anyone interested in using their resources for a student club or student organization, such as a club meeting or a project. MakerSpace has staff who can answer any inquiries or assist students in using their equipment, which range from 3D printers to button- and sewing machines. The services provided are as follows:
- 3D Printers
- Laser cutters/engravers
- Vinyl printer/cutter
- Button-making machines
- Sewing machines
- Wood shop tools
- Risograph
For any questions about MakerSpace, stop by its location the Campus Center (next to the Student Activities Office) or contact Clare Sadnik:
Clubs are expected to take minutes for each meeting, denoting who was present, what was discussed, and if action was taken (meaning did the club vote to make a decision on something).
Traditionally meeting minutes are taken by a club's Secretary, though this responsibility may be delegated to another member based on the club's constitution and by-laws.
If a club wants to use its funds to pay for something, it must be prepared to produce meeting minutes showing that its members voted to spend the money in the manner it is requesting.
Contact if you need help learning how to generate meeting minutes for your club. Here is also a sample of meeting minutes from a club:
Public viewing of movies/films

Student organizations can withdraw from their club account* petty cash to cover minor out-of-pocket advances (*clubs must have funds in their account first!).
Examples of appropriate purchases might include snacks for a club meeting or small materials for a club activity. Petty cash fund are not to be used to purchase equipment or gift cards, to pay for repairs, materials or supplies for building repairs or ground improvements, travel, or personal check cashing.
Please first read the petty cash guidelines for more information:
To access petty cash from a club's account, a student or advisor listed on the club's trust account signature form should complete a Requisition form requesting the funds. Clubs may pick up a Requisition form at the Office of Student Life, located in the Campus Center.
Sample completed petty cash form
While many club-related purchases may be made with petty cash, such as food for meetings, some purchases cannot be made with petty cash and must go through other campus or district protocol. The most common way of purchasing apparel, giveaway items, equipment, or other club supplies is through the creation of a purchase order agreement.
What is a purchase order, and when do I use it?
A purchase order, or P.O., is a "commercial document and first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services. It is used to control the purchasing of products and services from external suppliers." (Thanks, Wikipedia.)
A club would use a P.O. if they wanted to buy swag or merchandise for club members; equipment, as gardening equipment or telescopes; or other large supplies that exceed $200 and therefore cannot be paid for with petty cash. A club would also use a P.O. to pay for a speaker to visit their club if the speaker's fees exceeded $2,000.
Establishing a purchase order starts with the submission of a Requisition form. You may contact the Student Activities Office for assistance completing a requisition form:
If you are thinking of submitting a requisition to create a P.O. to buy apparel or other club giveaway items, here are some approved vendors:
What if I want to use a vendor and I'm not sure if they are in the system?
The Ventura County Community College District has thousands of preferred vendors for a variety of goods and services, but if a club wishes to use a vendor not listed in the VCCCD database, the vendor will need to submit a New Vendor Creation Packet. Adding a new vendor to the database can take up to 2 weeks. This is on top of the 2-3 weeks it can take for a purchase order to be processed by Moorpark College and the District Administration Center. Please plan accordingly.
Can I use the MakerSpace to create club apparel and giveaways?
Yes, the Moorpark College MakerSpace is an excellent resource for clubs and student organizations. Here are some of the services MakerSpace provides:
- Students can use the MakerSpace's equipment to screen-print or heat-press designs on club-branded t-shirts, hats, or totes
- Make buttons, stickers, or magnets to promote your student group
- 3D print objects to give away or prototype for club activities
- Invite MakerSpace to participate and provide live demonstrations at your club meetings or events, or host a club teambuilding activity in the MakerSpace
Stop by the MakerSpace in the Campus Center to learn more about how their staff can support your club's projects and events.
All active student organizations who wish to continue their operations into the next academic year must renew their club's paperwork with the Student Activities Office by the end of the current academic year.
Student organizations applying for renewal must submit the following documents to the ASMC Director of Student Organizations ( by September 1, 2024:
1. Complete the Student Club (Re)Chartering or Creation Form
- (Re)Chartering Form for Student Clubs and Organizations - electronic submissions* (*preferred method of renewal)
- (Re)Chartering Form for Student Clubs and Organizations - fillable PDF (another option for submitting officer information)
2. Ask the Moorpark College faculty, staff, or administrator who is serving as advisor for your club to complete the Club Advisor Agreement
- Advisor Agreement - electronic submission option (*preferred method of submission)
- Advisor Agreement - fillable PDF
3. Send an updated version of your club's Constitution & Bylaws to and cc'
If your club wishes to host meetings and events over the summer, then renewal forms should be submitted prior to summer activities.
Student organizations that have been inactive for over two (2) years and wish to become active again must go through the same steps as those students forming a new organization.
Formally recognized Moorpark College student organizations or departments can request funding for their student-centered activities or events through the ASMC Programming Committee. The Programming Committee exists to support events or activities that build leadership, encourage academic success among students, and/or enhance campus life at Moorpark College.
The Application for Funding should be submitted to the ASMC Director of Budget & Finance ( at least two weeks before the funds are needed in order for the Programming Committee to meet and for the money to be transferred, if approved.
Visit the ASMC Committees page for more information about Programming Committee meeting dates and times.
Most every meeting space or classroom is available for clubs to use, unless already scheduled with a class or by another campus group. The exception to this is the gym, the sports fields, the Forum (in the Applied Arts building), and the Performing Arts Center, each of which requires additional permissions from our Office of Business Services.
To reserve a room, work with your club advisor to complete the required In-House Facility Use form.
Please visit the other sections of this page if you wish to provide food, hire a food truck, rent equipment, pay speakers/performers, or show a movie for your on-campus activities. Renting equipment, paying for services, or providing honorariums to speakers can take at least three weeks to process. Please plan accordingly. Requisition forms for any payment processing will not be accepted if they are not received at least three weeks in advance of the date payment is needed.
When planning a club meeting, you may find the following resources helpful:
Google Docs: Google docs allows for the creation and editing of web-based documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. These documents can be stored online and accessed from any computer. Visit to learn how to use this free resource.
SurveyMonkey: SurveyMonkey provides free online questionnaire and survey software. Visit to get started.
Doodle: This online software simplifies the process of scheduling meetings and events. Check it out at
Click on the links below to access any of the club and advisor trainings.
What is a transcript addition?
A transcript addition verifies your non-academic involvement in clubs and organizations, leadership roles, honor societies, and other opportunities. Prospective employers or colleges and universities can view these additions directly on your official Moorpark College transcripts. Continue reading to learn more about transcript additions, or click here to submit your transcript addition form.
What can I have put on my transcript?
Students who have assumed a club executive leadership position (e.g., President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any other leadership role as defined by the club's constitution & by-laws) for it to be reflected on their transcripts; general club membership will not be included. Paid student staff positions will also be excluded from being added as transcript additions.
In addition club leadership, students may also have their transcripts reflect the following:
- Serving on the Associated Students of Moorpark College as a Board member or delegate
- Volunteering with the ACCESS Program (e.g., note taker)
- Participating in the President's Leadership Forum or the MC L.E.A.D.S. Program
- Competing on the MC Forensics team
- Moorpark College scholarships received
How many entries can I include on my transcript?
Students can have a maximum of five (5) entries of extracurricular leadership involvement or academic recognition added to their Moorpark College academic transcripts.
If I plan to be active in a leadership role next semester, can I put that on my transcript?
No, students cannot put future leadership positions on their transcripts, as there is no way of guaranteeing that they will follow through with those commitments. Only leadership opportunities that have occurred or are underway will be included.
Does my club have to meet any other requirements to have its officers' leadership reflected on their transcripts?
In order for club officers to have their involvement reflected on their transcript, they must be able to demonstrate that their organization was active during the term for which they are seeking recognition. To determine if a club was active over the semester or year, we look to see:
- Did the club hold meetings with its members during the term for which the officers are seeking credit?
- Was the club regularly represented at Inter-Club Council meetings as required by the Associated Students?
- Did the club plan any on- or off-campus events and activities?
- Did the club attempt to engage new and existing members, either through social media, Club Rush, or other opportunities?
How do I have my leadership involvement added to my transcript?
Access the Transcript Addition Request online to initiate the process.