Join a student club or organization

student club is defined as a group of students with a common social, educational, social justice, religious or cultural purpose. Because the management of the club is intended to be a student learning experience, the day-to-day functions of the club are carried out by student members with oversight and mentorship from an advisor.

An organization is a group of students whose central purpose or cause is linked closely to or affiliated with an external organization. Organizations may have additional chartering or renewal requirements beyond the College chartering requirements. Examples of organizations include honors societies, sports clubs, e-sports leagues, or politically affiliated groups. 

There are dozens of active student-led clubs and organizations on campus. Scroll down to learn more. Students are encouraged to reach out to a club president or advisor to learn about the club's upcoming meetings and activities for the semester. Also, new clubs form throughout the year, so be sure to check back for new opportunities!

The below list was last updated:  February 28, 2025


Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Club

Open to all students interested in learning about the Asian American Pacific Islander community and culture.


A²MEND's mission is to advocate for the academic, psychological and spiritual development of Black male students, faculty, staff and administrators in educational systems.

America's Teaching Zoo, AAZK Student Chapter

Open to all EATM students and all students interested in the campus zoo


Be The Match Student Chapter at Moorpark College

Be The Match spreads awareness and drives registration for live-saving bone marrow donations. 

Black Student Union (BSU)

BSU strives to create a space where we can uplift each other and foster community, cultural awareness, and advocacy for black students.


Chemistry Club

Open to all students interested in learning about chemistry.

Chess Club

Open to all students interested in learning the game of chess.

Child Development and Education Club

Open to all students interested in Child Development.

Circle K International

Open to all students.

Club of Music

Club of Music is great place to discover and play music as well as meet people with similar interests!

Communications Club

Open to all students.

Cybersecurity Club

The Cybersecurity Club's mission is to empower students by expanding their skillset in the information security field through the use of teamwork and collaboration. We are determined to create the best learning environment to prepare students for their future careers and introduce them to useful and current cybersecurity techniques, along with the proper environment for personal and social growth.


Dance Club

The Dance Club is a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is invited to dance. We offer open level classes of all styles and genres.

Delta Alpha Pi (DAPi)

Delta Alpha Pi is an academic honor society, recognizing high-achieving students with disabilities.


Engineering Club

Open to all students interested in the field of engineering.

Enthusiastic Programmers

Mission is to give all Moorpark College students an opportunity to explore fields in computer science.

Environmental Club

The Environmental Club's mission is promoting sustainability and eco-friendly practices to anyone and everyone.

Esports Club

Open to all students interested in competitive Esports.


Film Club

Open to all students interested in film, television, and media.

Friends of MSF (Medecins Sans Frontieres) of Moorpark College

Our club mission is to provide resources and information for humanitarian crisis, health sciences, public health and response to natural disasters.

Forensics Team (Speech and Debate)

Students interested in persuasive argumentation, speech writing, or competitive performance/acting (known as Oral Interpretation of Literature) are welcome to join! Students must enroll in COMM M10A - Forensics. More information available on the Forensics webpage.

Future Animal Care and Training Specialists (FACTS) Club

Club ideal for students who are a part of the Animal Care and Training Program at the Teaching Zoo.

Future Rad Techs

The mission of the Future Rad Techs is to promote the advancement of the radiologic technologist student for graduation and employment in the field of radiologic technology.


Girls Who Code

Mission is to sustain and improve retention in computer science and related disciplines; build community/develop a supportive network of female peers (“the sisterhood”); connect with Girls Who Code alumni; and practice computing concepts.

Global Ambassadors

All students interested in learning about different cultures and nationalities are welcome.


Hiking Club

Open to all students interested in hiking and outdoor activities.

Honors Club

Exists to enrich the student body of Moorpark College by serving as a resource of motivated individuals who are connected by their will to learn.


InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

The purpose of InterVarsity is to establish and advance at Moorpark College witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord; growing in love for God, God's word, God's people of every ethnicity and culture, and God's purposes in the world.


Jewish Club

The Jewish Club brings together Jewish and non-Jewish students alike who are interested in the Jewish culture and faith.


K-Pop Club

Open to all students interested in K-Pop music and who may be interested in learning dances to the tune of K-Pop music.


Lacrosse Club at Moorpark College

The Lacrosse Club aims to promote the game of lacrosse while giving young adults the ability to compete at the collegiate level.

Latinx Club

Open to all students interested in learning about the Latinx community


Mock Trial Team

Open to all students interested in team-based competitions with other universities. Team members prepare attorney and witness roles based on a hypothetical court case.

MoorPride Club

Open to LGBTQ+ community and allies.

Music Business Industry Club

Open to all students interested in professions within the music industry.

Muslim Students Association

Open to all students.


Nature's Finest

Open to students interested in the environment and sustainability.




Philosophy Club

Mission is to pursue wisdom through the exploration and study of philosophical works.

Pom Team

Open to all students who are interested in cheering on our athletes and performing for the community.

Pre-Dental Club

Mission is to provide members with information about specialties, job and shadowing opportunities, and a community of students interested in the field of dentistry!

President's Leadership Forum

All current students are eligible to apply in Fall to participate in this year-long student leadership forum. Applications for the 2024-2025 year are due August 31, 2024.

Progressive People's Club

Open to all students.

Psychology Club

Open to all students interested in psychology. Aim is to bring students who share the same interest in Psychology as we all allow students to find resources through the club.




Research in Biology Club

Open to all those interested in biological research. Club aims to provide students resources such as research papers or interactive activities so that students learn more about different biology fields and explore them.


SEEDS Chapter at Moorpark College

SEEDS, or the Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability, is open to any Moorpark College student interested in learning about, diversifying, and advancing the ecology profession.

Skate Club

Striving to bring students of all backgrounds together by finding others who enjoy skating!

Student Nurses Association (MCSNA)

Open to all or prospective nursing students or any students who want to engage in the nursing community.

Surfers Against Pollution

We aim to create a community of surfers to help protect the ocean. The mission of this organization is to work towards a healthier and more sustainable planet and to educate people on climate change and the detrimental effects of pollution.

Sustainability Committee (ASSC)

All students who are interested in helping Moorpark College improve its environmental footprint are welcome to join the Associated Students Sustainability Committee, ASSC.






Venture Capital Club at Moorpark College

Open to all students interested in venture capital, finance, investing, and entrepreneurship by providing hands-on learning opportunities, networking events, and insights from industry experts.


Wizards Club

Open to all students interested in Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop games.

Women in Business

Open to all students interested in empowering and inspiring women to succeed in the business field.

Women in Engineering, Math, and Science (WEMS)

Open to all students interested in the STEM fields.