What are resolutions?
Resolutions are formal documents that express an association or governing body's opinion on an issue, their argument for the need for change, or their pledge to change a process or policy that is within their purview.

Why are resolutions important?
Writing resolutions is one of the most important things the Associated Students Board of Directors can do to express the will of the Moorpark College student body. Resolutions are important because while any student can reach out to Moorpark College administration to express concern or try to sway them on a particular topic, the administration knows that a resolution passed by ASMC has been researched by a team of students and voted on by elected student leaders.

Past ASMC Resolutions




2020.1 Support of Moorpark College Armenian Students during the Conflict in Artsakh


2020.02 COVID-19 Pandemic and a Safe Return to Campus


2020.03 Resolution in Support of Black Lives Matter


2020.04 Anti-Asian Hate Resolution

2021-2022 2022.01 Resolution in Support of the Moorpark College MakerSpace
2022-2023 2022.03 Sustainable Landscaping
2022-2023 2022.04 Reusable or Compostable Foodware
2022-2023 2023.01 Title IX Resolution
2022-2023 2023.02 Post-Registration Name and Pronoun Changes Resolution
2022-2023 2023.03 Safe Parking Programs Resolution
2022-2023 2023.04 Course-Embedded Student Services Resolution
2022-2023 2023.05 Safe Sex Education Resolution
2022-2023 2023.06 Course Accessibility for Students with Disabilities Resolution
2023-2024 2024.01 LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity
2023-2024 2024.02 Promoting Mascot Name Change and Decolonizing Institutional Nomenclature
2023-2024 2024.03 Resolution to Combat Food Insecurity in the Ventura County Community College District
2023-2024 2024.04 Promoting Mental Health and Ensuring Student Safety in Nursing Education