The Associated Students of Moorpark College (ASMC) Board of Directors is an 11-person elected student government body. Read on to learn more about each role and the current student serving in the position for 2024-2025.
ASMC Board of Directors 2024-2025
As President, Marianne serves as the official spokesperson for ASMC and the broader Moorpark College student body, liaising between college and district administration and students. Marianne presides over all of the ASMC Board of Directors meetings, preparing the weekly agendas and managing meeting operations. The President is also responsible for all of the executive functions of the Board, carrying out orders, sanctions, and resolutions as effectively as possible.
Marianne also represents the student perspective on the District Council for Enrollment Management (DCEM).

As ASMC Vice President, Tiffany oversees the appointment of Board members to college committees and oversees committee and meeting attendance. Tiffany reviews letters of intent for vacant Board positions and hires student staff. Tiffany also manages internal administrative duties of the Board of Directors, serves as Vice Chair of the Inter-Club Council, and is a voting member of the ASMC Programming Committee.
Tiffany also represents the student perspective on the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Committee.
As Director of Academic Affairs, Arushi represents ASMC on matters of academic and educational policy. The Director of Academic Affairs oversees the ASMC Scholarship Program and Commissioned Arts Program, and plans cultural and/or educational field trips each year.
Arushi also represents the student perspective before the Academic Senate.
As Director of Budget and Finance, Bouchra develops ASMC's annual operating budget and monitors and tracks spending of the Board's ten (10) trust and agency accounts. Bouchra also serves as Chair of the ASMC Programming Committee, which provides funding to groups aimed at enhancing student life at Moorpark College. Please reach out to Bouchra if you have questions about how to request funding from Associated Students, or if you are unsure how to spend existing club funds.
Bouchra also represents students at the Integrated Planning Committee (formerly Fiscal Planning Committee).
As Director of Campus Events, Anjali oversees and facilitates all ASMC events and activities, manages materials related to events, and serves as a lead on any activities that are co-led with other Moorpark College clubs or programs. Anjali serves as a voting member of the ASMC Programming Committee, which awards funding to support student engagement opportunities.
Anjali also represents students on the Facilities and Technology Committee on Accreditation and Planning (FTCAP).

As Director of Constitution & Standing Rules, Christian ensures that ASMC operates within its own pre-established guidelines, as well as local, state, and federal regulations related to its operations (e.g., California Education Code, California Brown Act, and parliamentary procedure). Christian also serves as Chairperson of the ad hoc Elections Committee, is a voting member of the Programming Committee, and takes meeting minutes for the ASMC Board of Directors' regular meetings.
Christian also represents students on the Curriculum Committee.
As Director of Public Relations, Ara promotes all ASMC projects and events using ASMC social media accounts. Ara outreaches to the Moorpark Reporter and other outlets to spread awareness of ASMC's events, activities, and initiatives. As Director of Public Relations, Ara serves on the Inter-Club Council and collaborates with other ASMC Directors as well as club representatives to promote campus student life.
Ara also represents students before the Student Services Council.

As Director of Student Advocacy, Matthew assists the ASMC President and Board of Directors in coordinating advocacy efforts on behalf of students' interests and serves as the primary representative to off-campus entities. This includes serving as ASMC's official delegate for the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) Region VI monthly meetings.
As Director of Student Organizations, Nora helps Moorpark College's 50+ officially recognized student clubs and organizations operate. This includes distributing reminders about deadlines, explaining to student leaders college and district processes and protocol, and hosting campus-wide events to promote student groups and help them recruit members. Nora also chairs the Inter-Club Council, which meets routinely to discuss club-related topics and to connect student leaders with one another to foster collaborative opportunities.
Nora also provides student perspective at the Professional Development (PD) Committee.

As ASMC Director of Student Services, Casey connects the Associated Students Board and current students with various services and departments on campus. Casey is the liaison between campus faculty and staff and students, providing input on resources and programs intended to foster student success. Casey also plans campus-wide activities and events intended to support various student populations while bringing visibility to student services. Contact this position if you have questions about the different student services programs (like Counseling, EOPS, ACCESS, First Year Experience, and others).
Casey also represents students before the District Council for Student Services (DCSS).
The ASMC Director of Sustainability is focused on environmental initiatives. This person chairs the Associated Students Sustainability Committee (ASSC), plans educational activities and events to increase environmental awareness, and collaborates with Moorpark College Facilities, Maintenance, and Operations and the Nature's Finest gardening club to operate and maintain the on-campus student garden.